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Wetenschappelijke publicaties, proefschriften en verslagen van kwaliteitsonderzoeken op het gebied van statistiek.

Papers in deze reeks gaan over methoden, kwaliteit, processen en informatietechnologische en conceptuele onderwerpen en die relevant zijn voor het werkterrein van CBS. Ze beschrijven het resultaat van (toegepast) wetenschappelijk onderzoek dat onderzoekers van CBS (soms samen met anderen) hebben uitgevoerd. De reeks is niet bedoeld om CBS-cijfers te publiceren. De cijfers in de papers zijn dus niet als officiële CBS-uitkomsten aan te merken.

tijdreeks papers

Filter op jaar:
  1. Arbeidsparticipatie van 20-64, participatiepotentieel in 2008
  2. Met re-integratieondersteuning op weg naar werk
  3. Aan het werk met of zonder re-integratieondersteuning, definitieve uitkomsten 2008.
  4. Personen naar wel of geen pensioenopbouw
  5. Automatic correction of simple typing errors in numerical data with balance edits
  6. Offshoring and productivity (growth) in Dutch manufacturing and service industries: An empirical asessment
  7. Modernising household surveys in the Netherlands: Design, Efficiency Gains and Perspectives
  8. Chain management in statistics: Best practices
  9. Checklist for the Quality evaluation of Administrative Data Sources
  10. Labour Market Policy database; Definitieve cijfers 2007 en voorlopige cijfers 2008
  11. Nonresponse in Sample Surveys, Methods for Analysis and Adjustment
  12. Representativity of the LISS panel
  13. Intervention analysis with state-space models to estimate discontinuities due to a survey redesign
  14. The creation and application of a new quality management model
  15. Measuring Business Cycles with Rapid Estimates
  16. Aan het werk met of zonder re-integratieondersteuning, voorlopige cijfers 2008
  17. Eenmeting uitstroomdoelstelling re-integratieondersteuning, voorlopige cijfers 2005 en 2006
  18. Algebraic algorithms for stochastic imputation of item nonresponse with edit restrictions
  19. A mixed-mode follow-up of panel refusers in the Dutch LFS
  20. Standardisation of Design and Production of Statistics
  21. Valuation of oil and gas reserves in the Netherlands 1990-2005
  22. ESF monitor deelnemerskenmerken 2008; kenmerken van deelnemers aan ESF-projecten (voorlopige uitkomsten).
  23. Productivity effects of innovation modes
  24. Jongeren 2007
  25. Accounting for Tourism. The Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) in Perspective
  26. Counting on Statistics: Statistics Netherlands'Modernization Program
  27. Processes, Methods and Tools
  28. A Comparison of Different Estimation Methods with an Application in the Dutch National Elections of 2003 and 2006
  29. Structural time series modelling of the monthly unemployment rate in a rotating panel
  30. The euro-dollar exchange rate and Dutch imports and exports
  31. Waarnemingsinnovatie: nieuwe bronnen en mogelijkheden
  32. Measuring and Relating Aggregate and Subaggregate Productivity Change without Neoclassical Assumptions
  33. Careers of Doctorate Holders
  34. Innovation and performance, a collection of microdata studies
  35. Checklist voor Kwaliteit van Statistische Output
  36. Final Report Project KIS
  37. Uitbreiding Outcomemonitor Wijkenaanpak:  Beschrijving van aanvullende indicatoren
  38. Micro and macro indicators of competition: comparison and relation with productivity change
  39. Potential of XBRL Dimensions for International Trade Statistics
  40. Statistics Netherlands Architecture; Business and Information model
  41. Statistics Netherlands Architecture; Context of Change
  42. Calibrated impution of numerical data under linear edit restrictions
  43. A conditions monitor for fixed capital formation
  44. On the asymptotic error of a bivariate normal approximation with an application to simple random sampling
  45. Monthly employers' sentiment indicators; Doing more with business survey data
  46. Research on edit and imputation methodology; the troughput programme
  47. Measuring inventories in the Dutch national accounts
  48. A Monthly Workers labourmarket sentimentindicator; Doing more with The Consumer Survey
  49. A conditions monitor for exports
  50. Arbeidsparticipatie van 20-64 jarigen - Participatiepotentieel  in 2006 en 2007
  51. A conditions monitor for household consumption
  52. On the efficiency of randomized PPS sampling with an application to the Producer Price Index
  53. Indicatoren van economische dynamiek 2001-2005
  54. The rise of survey sampling
  55. Sampling and estimation techniques for the implementation of the NACE Rev.2 in Business Surveys
  56. On asymptotic distributions in random sampling from finite populations
  57. Best practices for business and systems analysis in projects conforming to enterprise architecture
  58. An artifact model for projects conforming to enterprise architecture
  59. Difficult Groups in Survey Research and the Development of Tailor-made Approach Strategies
  60. A time series approach to estimate discontinuities due to a survey redesign
  61. Producing historical time series for STS-statistics in NACE Rev.2