Internationalisation Monitor 2013

Internationalisation Monitor 2013

The process of economic globalisation is characterised by increasing international trade, foreign direct investment and a growing role of multinational enterprises. The effects of globalisation for economic growth, employment, sustainability and enterprise performance  are topics of discussion for policymakers and the public. With the Internationalisation Monitor, Statistics Netherlands provides coherent and annotated information on these topics, in order to contribute to a well-balanced and fact-based debate on globalisation.
In each edition of the Internationalisation Monitor a comprehensive range of key figures, in-depth analyses and new statistics on internationalisation are presented. Regional differences in the exposure to internationalisation and the regional consequences of growing internationalisation constitute the central theme of this sixth edition. Seven analytical chapters dig deeper into the role the different regions play in international activity and the impact of globalisation on regional economies. For this edition researchers from the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) have written the chapter on internationalisation and firm productivity (chapter 11) and contributed to the article on foreign knowledge workers (chapter 10).

Internationalisation Monitor 2013

Nederlandstalige samenvattingen per hoofdstuk:

1. Trends in internationale handel
2. Internationale waardeketens en toegevoegde waarde van de handel
3. Trends in buitenlandse investeringen
4. CO2 uitstoot door bedrijven in Nederlandse/buitenlandse handen
5. Trends in international sourcing
6. Regionale verschillen in handel en de invloed van de locatie op handelspatronen
7. Regionale verschillen in exportafhankelijkheid
8. Regionale verschillen in economische prestatie in de context van de economische crisis
9. Internationale en regionale oriëntatie van topsectoren
10.Buitenlandse kenniswerkers in Nederland
11.Internationalisering en productiviteit: het effect van bedrijf en regio
12.Internationale handel en beëindiging werkverband in Nederland
13.Internationale handel in goederen naar bedrijven
14.Internationale handel in diensten naar bedrijven
15.Kerncijfers buitenlandse investeringen
16.Globalisering en werkgelegenheid

Alle provincies dragen bij aan goederenexport (infographic)

Kennistest internationale handel