
73 resultaten voor SNA
73 resultaten voor SNA

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Bruto binnenlands product Caribisch Nederland

Onderzoeksbeschrijving Bruto binnenlands product Caribisch Nederland


Revisie van de macro-economische cijfers van het CBS

Naar aanleiding van Kamervragen en recente publiciteit treft u hierbij een toelichting aan op de revisie van de macro-economische cijfers.


De regionale economie 2018

Overzicht van regionale ontwikkelingen in de economie, arbeidsmarkt, thuiswerken, winkels en grensgebieden van Nederland in 2018.


NA/28 The institutional sector classification

Van den Bos, C. (1988).A background paper on the conceptual side of the grouping of financing units. A limited number of criteria are formulated to form a basis for the classification of these units....


NA/29 The concept of (transactor-)units in the National Accounts and in the basic system of economic statistics

Bloem, Adriaan M. (1989).Units in legal-administrative reality are often not suitable as statistical units in describing economic processes. Some transformation of legal-administrative units into...


Waar worden de gevolgen van globalisering voor Nederland beschreven?

Centraal in het onderzoek binnen het CBS Expertisecentrum Globalisering staat het monitoren van veranderingen in de Nederlandse positie in de mondiale goederen- en dienstenhandel, de financiële...


NA/76 An information-system for economic, environmental and social statistics

Keuning, Steven J. and Jolanda G. Timmerman (1995).The 1993 SNA mentions that a SAM can also be extended to deal with environmental issues. This entails the integration of a SAM and a NAMEA into a...


NA/91 Revision Dutch National Accounts: first results and backgrounds

Buiten, Gert, Jacqueline van den Hof and Peter van de Ven (1999).As in many other countries, the Dutch National Accounts have been revised, in accordance with the new world-wide System of National...


NA/10 Dual sectoring in National Accounts

Al, P.G. (1985).Following a conceptual explanation of dual sectoring, an outline is given of a statistical system with complete dual sectoring in which the linkages are also defined and worked out....


Measuring R&D Output and Knowledge Capital Formation in Open Economies

Contrary to mineral exploration, computer software development and literary or artistic work, Research and Development is in the present SNA-1993 not considered as an activity leading to the creation...


Measuring R&D Output and Knowledge Capital Formation in Open Economies

In tegenstelling tot minerale exploratie, ontwikkeling van software en literaire of artistieke originelen, wordt onderzoek en ontwikkeling in het huidige SNA-1993 niet gezien als een activiteit die...


NA/23 Compilation of household sector accounts in the Netherlands National Accounts

Van der Laan, P. (1987).This paper provides a concise description of the way in which household sector accounts are compiled within the Netherlands National Accounts. Special attention is paid to...


The illegal economy in the Netherlands

According to the System of National Accounts (SNA 1993) illegal activities should be registered in the national accounts, as the accounts should cover all economic activities, including those...


Time use changes in the Netherlands: The analytical strength of a time-use module

This paper first summarizes the discussion around the construction of a household satellite account and then continues to present the extension of the Dutch National Accounts with a time-use module....


Intangible capital in the Netherlands: Measurement and contribution to economic growth

This paper explores the broader range of intangible investment in the Netherlands. Both conceptual and measurement issues are discussed. Furthermore, intangibles are capitalized and their...


Hoeveel draagt de natuur bij aan de economie en ons welzijn?

Door ecosysteemdiensten monetair te waarderen wordt de bijdrage van de natuur aan onze economie en ons welzijn inzichtelijk gemaakt, zodat deze expliciet meegenomen kan worden in beleidskeuzes.


Nederland Handelsland 2019

Nederland Handelsland 2019 – export, investeringen en werkgelegenheid is een publicatie met jaarlijks terugkerende kerncijfers. Hierin worden de belangrijkste trends op het gebied van...


De arbeidsmarkt in cijfers, 2018

Ontwikkelingen op de arbeidsmarkt in 2018


NA/32 An economic core system and the socio-economic accounts module for the Netherlands

Gorter, Cor N. and Paul van der Laan (1989).A discussion of the core and various types of modules in an overall system of economy related statistics. Special attention is paid to the Dutch...


NA/41 The supply of hidden labour in the Netherlands: a model

Kazemier, Brugt and Rob van Eck (1990).This paper presents a model of the supply of hidden labour in the Netherlands. Model simulations show that the supply of hidden labour is not very sensitive to...
