Temporary residence permits; purpose of stay and nationality

Temporary residence permits; purpose of stay and nationality

Nationality Periods Asylum residence permit Total residence permits asylum (Number) Asylum residence permit Refugee status / Beneficiary status (Number) Asylum residence permit Humanitarian reasons (Number) Ordinary permit by purpose of stay Total ordinary residence permit (Number) Ordinary permit by purpose of stay Family reunification / formation Total family reunification / formation (Number) Ordinary permit by purpose of stay Family reunification / formation Husband / wife (Number) Ordinary permit by purpose of stay Family reunification / formation Child under 18 (Number) Ordinary permit by purpose of stay Family reunification / formation Other family reunification (Number) Ordinary permit by purpose of stay Study (Number) Ordinary permit by purpose of stay Labour: employee or self-employed person Total labour (Number) Ordinary permit by purpose of stay Labour: employee or self-employed person Highly skilled migrant /Blue Card holder (Number) Ordinary permit by purpose of stay Labour: employee or self-employed person Researcher (Number) Ordinary permit by purpose of stay Labour: employee or self-employed person Other labour (Number) Ordinary permit by purpose of stay Other regular permits Victim of human trade (Number) Ordinary permit by purpose of stay Other regular permits Other ordinary (Number) Single permit (GVVA) (Number)
Total 2010 8.680 5.300 3.380 45.800 21.565 10.905 8.100 2.560 10.510 10.450 5.530 1.485 3.430 0 3.275
Total 2011 8.380 6.040 2.345 46.690 22.325 11.730 8.220 2.375 10.700 10.960 5.595 1.615 3.750 340 2.365
Total 2012 5.920 4.315 1.605 45.240 21.160 10.015 8.540 2.605 10.745 10.920 5.515 1.690 3.715 320 2.095
Total 2013 9.545 4.695 4.850 55.195 25.375 12.255 11.065 2.055 12.880 12.675 7.045 2.365 3.260 210 4.055
Total 2014 18.620 12.465 6.155 50.950 22.115 11.520 9.505 1.090 12.745 11.780 7.130 2.310 2.340 180 4.125 545
Total 2015 31.085 16.895 14.190 55.605 21.685 11.075 9.210 1.395 15.265 13.310 7.930 2.420 2.960 135 5.215 1.160
Total 2016 34.250 21.990 12.260 61.505 24.960 12.590 10.600 1.770 16.315 14.620 9.125 2.520 2.975 120 5.485 935
Total 2017 25.815 10.565 15.250 71.580 30.970 13.735 12.340 4.890 17.240 17.745 11.310 2.750 3.685 155 5.480 1.785
Total 2018 12.445 5.335 7.110 79.620 34.035 15.265 13.770 5.005 18.470 20.885 13.510 3.065 4.310 290 5.940 2.050
Total 2019 11.890 6.940 4.950 90.240 38.655 17.045 15.655 5.955 20.180 22.030 14.335 3.240 4.455 385 8.995 2.590
Total 2020 14.045 9.200 4.850 59.465 28.870 12.585 11.690 4.595 11.645 13.345 8.170 2.430 2.745 155 5.445 1.445
Total 2021 24.705 12.985 11.720 81.165 34.535 16.530 12.975 5.030 19.580 20.770 14.490 3.175 3.105 80 6.195 1.515
Total 2022 29.635 17.530 12.110 107.565 45.870 21.845 17.040 6.990 21.870 32.125 24.510 3.475 4.140 100 7.600 1.850
Total 2023* 27.140 16.070 11.065 104.645 45.340 21.435 17.055 6.850 22.920 27.440 17.770 3.495 6.175 140 8.805 2.090
Bron: CBS.
Verklaring van tekens


This table shows the number of temporary residence permits granted for the first time. Permits are differentiated by purpose and the nationality of the persons concerned. Permits are differentiated by purpose and the nationality of the persons concerned. This table contains both asylum permits and ordinary residence permits. Ordinary permits are given to non-Dutch persons mainly for work, study, family reunification, or family formation. Children of non-Dutch persons, born in the Netherlands and not in the possession of the Dutch nationality also need a residence permit. Since April 2014, the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service also issues combined permits for residence and work: single permits (GGVA). These are included in the table since 2014. All permits in the table have a validity period of three months or more.

Data available from: 2008.

Status of the figures:
The figures up to 2022 are final. The figures for 2023 are provisional.

Changes as of August 2024:
A number of nationalities for which more than 50 permits were granted in 2023 were not included in the table. These are now visible and concerns the following nationalities: British, Namibian, Senegalese, Uruguayan.

When will new figures be published?
The new figures for 2024 will be available in June 2025.

Toelichting onderwerpen

Asylum residence permit
Individuals whose asylum request is granted, receive a residence permit for asylum. An asylum residence permit may cover an asylum application from the same or from a previous year.

Figures include invited refugees until 2011 (approximately 500 per year).
Total residence permits asylum
Figures include invited refugees until 2011 (approximately 500 per year)
Refugee status / Beneficiary status
Refugee status: the recognition of a third country national or a stateless person as a refugee.

Beneficiary status: is granted to someone who does not qualify for the status of refugee and who has a chance of serious risk by returning to their home land. For example: if they are a victim of punishment, torture, indiscriminate violence in an armed conflict etc.

Including invited refugees until 2011 (approximately 500 per year).

Humanitarian reasons
Besides admission under international treaties, it is possible that someone is granted a residence permit on the basis of national politics. This is particularly the case when someone has suffered traumatic experiences. This person receives a permit based on compelling humanitarian reasons.

Ordinary permit by purpose of stay
Individuals whose request for a regular permit has been granted receive an ordinary permit. They did not come here for asylum, but for example to work, to study, for family reunification or for family formation. Non-Dutch persons who want to stay in the Netherlands for more three months and are not EU, EER or Swiss nationals, need a residence permit.
Total ordinary residence permit
Family reunification / formation
Residence permit which is granted in connection with family reunion.

Family reunification:
One or more family members are settling in the Netherlands to be reunited and live with their families who have emigrated in the past.

Family formation:
This may concern marriage, relationship and children under 18. It is for people who come to the Netherlands for marriage, registered partnership or live with a partner already in the Netherlands (with whom this person has never lived before).

Total family reunification / formation
Residence permit which is granted in connection with family reunion.

Family reunification:
This means that one or more family members are settling in the Netherlands to be reunited and live with their families who have emigrated in the past.

Family formation:
People who come to the Netherlands for marriage, registered partnership or live with a partner already in the Netherlands (with whom this person has never lived before).
Husband / wife
Husband or wife, registered partner or unmarried partner.
Child under 18
Child under 18
Other family reunification
Other not previously mentioned relatives such as parents or adult children.
Residence permit granted for study. The residence permit must be requested at the school where the person wishes to study.
Labour: employee or self-employed person
Total labour
Highly skilled migrant /Blue Card holder
Highly skilled migrant
Migrant which performs highly skilled work. A wage threshold applies for admission as a highly skilled migrant

Blue Card holder
The EU Blue Card is a residence permit for workers who perform highly qualified work within the European Union. To be eligible for a European Blue Card workers must meet a wage and training requirement.

Research scientist which receives a residence permit under the skilled migrant scheme.
Other labour
Other regular permits
Permits issued in connection with other purposes. Such authorisation was granted until 2013 to unaccompanied minors.
Victim of human trade
Other ordinary
Until 2010 including human trade victims.
Single permit (GVVA)
This permit is available from April 1st, 2014. The Single Permit combines the residence permit and the work permit. The applicants request for both in one application.