Corporate news archive

Corporate news archive

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  1. CBS: Inquiry into risks of data access
  2. Statistical data confidentiality high on the agenda
  3. Research by CBS, Eurostat and LinkedIn on Dutch graduates
  4. Innovative research into social cohesion in Heerlen
  5. The planet as a basis for a new indicator of well-being
  6. TNO and CBS are joining forces on transparent and verifiable AI use
  7. Working with businesses to collect CPI data
  8. Foreign trade the core focus of a new CBS publication
  9. EU grant taking data science to a higher level
  10. An easy quick-start guide to CBS open data
  11. Study on fair algorithms for policy-making
  12. KNAW: improve the reuse of public data for science
  13. From trainee to big data expert
  14. Trainees seek out new data sources
  15. CBS launches data ecosystem with various partners
  16. Monitoring major enterprises within Europe
  17. CBS and SCP deepen cooperation
  18. CBS and Dataprovider successfully map internet economy
  19. Accountability day: focus on the SDGs
  20. Privacy Proof Certificate for CBS
  21. CBS experiments with agricultural sensor data
  22. Statistics Estonia to coordinate data governance
  23. CBS building data ecosystem with partners
  24. Identifying key drivers of educational disadvantage
  25. CBS mapping online platforms
  26. Energy transition core focus at The Hague Data Camp
  27. Piet Daas endowed professor of Big Data at TU/e
  28. Open data strengthens democracy
  29. A model for crowded tubes in Rotterdam
  30. The ethical side of big data
  31. Data-driven operations with a broad Frisian coalition
  32. Working with sensors to measure health
  33. Non-stop information with the virtual CBS assistant
  34. Health problems tackled with sensors
  35. Big Data value for the public and private sector
  36. Globalisation: pieces of the puzzle