Manufacturing and energy

Manufacturing and energy

Filter by year:
  1. Producer confidence slightly up again
  2. Manufacturing output prices over 17 percent up in November
  3. Greenhouse gas emissions 4 percent lower in Q3 2022
  4. Gas consumption down by 17% year on year in the period July - October
  5. Manufacturing output more than 3 percent up in October
  6. Manufacturing output prices almost 21 percent up in October
  7. Producer confidence picking up again
  8. Manufacturing output almost 5 percent up in September
  9. Producer confidence hardly changed
  10. Manufacturing output prices almost 23 percent up in September
  11. Manufacturing output almost 6 percent up in August
  12. Manufacturing output prices almost 25 percent up in August
  13. Producer confidence further down
  14. Greenhouse gas emissions 9 percent lower in Q2 2022
  15. Manufacturing output 4 percent up in July
  16. More electricity from coal and renewable sources, less from gas
  17. Manufacturers considerably less optimistic in August
  18. Manufacturing output prices almost 28 percent up in July
  19. Natural gas consumption 25 percent lower in first half of 2022
  20. Manufacturing output over 6 percent up in June
  21. Manufacturing output prices over 30 percent up in June
  22. Producer confidence improves slightly in July
  23. Manufacturing output 10 percent up in May
  24. Manufacturing output prices almost 29 percent up in May
  25. Producer confidence deteriorates in June
  26. Lower renewable energy share despite more solar and wind energy
  27. Greenhouse gas emissions 11 percent lower in Q1 2022
  28. Manufacturing output almost 14 percent up in April
  29. Producer confidence deteriorates in May
  30. Manufacturing output prices 29 percent up in April
  31. Manufacturing output over 7 percent up in March
  32. Manufacturing output prices almost 26 percent up in March
  33. Producer confidence improves in April
  34. Manufacturing output over 10 percent up in February
  35. Producer confidence hardly changed in March
  36. Manufacturing output prices almost 22 percent up in February
  37. Greenhouse gas emissions 2.1 percent higher in 2021
  38. Manufacturing output almost 8 percent up in January
  39. More electricity from renewable sources, less from fossil sources
  40. Natural gas consumption 4 percent lower in 2021
  41. Manufacturing output prices 20.9 percent up in January
  42. Manufacturing output almost 13 percent up in December
  43. Manufacturing output prices 19.5 percent up in December
  44. Manufacturing output almost 11 percent up in November