

Filter by year:
  1. Manufacturing output prices almost 1 percent higher in July
  2. Confidence among manufacturers improving in August
  3. Investment down by over 10 percent in June
  4. More bankruptcies in July
  5. Businesses more positive about profitability
  6. Manufacturing output prices 0.5 percent higher in June
  7. Confidence among manufacturers down slightly
  8. Investment down by almost 7 percent in May
  9. More bankruptcies in June
  10. Manufacturing output prices slightly higher in May
  11. Confidence among manufacturers continues to improve
  12. Investment up by over 7 percent in April
  13. Slightly fewer bankruptcies in May
  14. Industrial sector expects investment to rise by 30 percent
  15. Confidence among manufacturers is improving again
  16. Manufacturing output prices hardly changed
  17. Investment down by almost 9 percent in March
  18. Three quarters of business owners aiming to boost productivity
  19. Business confidence slightly less negative once again
  20. Slightly more bankruptcies in April
  21. Manufacturing output prices down by almost 1 percent in March
  22. Confidence improving among manufacturers
  23. Investment down by almost 3 percent in February
  24. Businesses less positive about investment
  25. Slightly fewer bankruptcies in March
  26. Manufacturing output prices down by almost 2 percent in February
  27. Manufacturers slightly more negative in March
  28. Investments down by over 3 percent in January
  29. Fewer bankruptcies in January
  30. Manufacturing output prices down by 3 percent in January
  31. Manufacturers marginally less negative in February
  32. Investments down by over 8 percent in December
  33. Business confidence remains negative despite slight improvement
  34. Fewer bankruptcies in January
  35. Manufacturers less negative in January
  36. Manufacturing output prices over 3 percent down in December
  37. Investments nearly 4 percent down in November
  38. Bankruptcies up by over 50 percent in 2023
  39. Manufacturers more negative in December