
List with definitions of the concepts used by CBS in their statistics. Using the same definitions throughout makes comparison of figures easier.

List of definitions

Filter by starting letter:
  1. Paid labour
  2. Paid work
  3. Pain or symptom control
  4. Paraffin waxes
  5. Pardon
  6. Parent in a one-parent family
  7. Park
  8. Participant in traffic
  9. Partner (household)
  10. Partnership
  11. Partnership registration
  12. Part-time employee
  13. Part-time job
  14. Passenger-kilometre
  15. Patent fuel
  16. Payments to subcontractors
  17. Peat
  18. Penal Code
  19. Penitentiary institution
  20. Pension
  21. Pension and early retirement premiums
  22. Pension based on last wage earned
  23. Pension benefits
  24. Pension fund
  25. Pension insurance
  26. Pension premiums
  27. Pension supplement
  28. People living together
  29. People working from home
  30. Percentage of cases solved
  31. Perinatal mortality
  32. Perinatal mortality (WHO)
  33. Period life table
  34. Permanent job
  35. Person with a Dutch background
  36. Person with a first-generation migration background
  37. Person with a migration background
  38. Person with a non-western migration background
  39. Person with a second-generation migration background
  40. Person with a western migration background
  41. Personal income
  42. Personal income distribution
  43. Personnel
  44. Personnel costs
  45. Personnel costs
  46. Petition
  47. Petroleum cokes
  48. Pharmacist
  49. Physical energy units
  50. Pinetum
  51. Place in a child care centre
  52. Place name
  53. Placed under supervision
  54. Police
  55. Police magistrate
  56. Poor soil
  57. Population
  58. Population density
  59. Population forecast
  60. Population growth
  61. Population stock
  62. Population trend
  63. Position
  64. Position on the job market
  65. Postal code area
  66. Potential working hours
  67. Poverty
  68. Practical training
  69. Preliminary supervision order
  70. Premium transfer
  71. Premiums earned
  72. Prepension
  73. Prescribed medicines
  74. Pre-tax results
  75. Prevocational education
  76. Prevocational secondary education
  77. Price change
  78. Prices of total consumption
  79. Prices of total sales
  80. Primary cause of death
  81. Primary coals
  82. Primary distribution of income
  83. Primary energy source
  84. Primary income
  85. Primary income (NA)
  86. Prison
  87. Private company
  88. Private education
  89. Private household
  90. Private non-profit institution
  91. Private sector
  92. Prodcom
  93. Produced assets
  94. Producer confidence
  95. Producer price index
  96. Production factors
  97. Production process
  98. Production value (at basic prices)
  99. Profit from enterprise
  100. Profit from enterprise
  101. Propane
  102. Propensity to consume (mean)
  103. Property income (NR)
  104. Property income distributed to insurance policy holders
  105. Property value (WOZ)
  106. Protest, entering a
  107. Province (legal)
  108. Province (NUTS2)
  109. PSB
  110. Psychiatric hospital
  111. Public according to the Dutch law on archives
  112. Public company
  113. Public corporate organisation
  114. Public emission
  115. Public non-profit institution
  116. Public Prosecution Service
  117. Public prosecutor
  118. Public Records Act
  119. Public services
  120. Public transport
  121. Purchase value not elsewhere classified
  122. Purchase value of sales
  123. Purchased commodities
  124. Purchased raw and auxiliary materials
  125. Purchasing power
  126. Purchasing power parity (PPP)
  127. Push boat
  128. Push-towing