
List with definitions of the concepts used by CBS in their statistics. Using the same definitions throughout makes comparison of figures easier.

List of definitions

Filter by starting letter:
  1. Railway area
  2. Railway system
  3. Real developments
  4. Real estate (social housing corporations)
  5. Real estate fund
  6. Real estate tax
  7. Recession
  8. Recommended price
  9. Recreation area
  10. Recreational accommodation area
  11. Reduced working hours
  12. Reduced working hours
  13. Reduction of disablement volume Act (TAV)
  14. Redundancy pay
  15. Redundancy Pay Fund
  16. Re-exports
  17. Reference person
  18. Reference year for social benefits
  19. Refinery gas
  20. Refugee
  21. Region
  22. Regional archive
  23. Regional archive centre
  24. Regional client potential
  25. Regional government
  26. Register of new residencies
  27. Registered crime
  28. Registered criminality
  29. Registered inland fleet
  30. Registered medical doctor
  31. Registered partnership
  32. Registered unemployed
  33. Registration for an arts course
  34. Regular working hours
  35. Regulation of working hours
  36. Re-issuing of shares
  37. Religious denomination
  38. Remarrying
  39. Remigration
  40. Renewable municipal waste
  41. Report to Veilig thuis
  42. Reporting frequency of the sickness absence rate in government
  43. Research and Development (R&D)
  44. Residence permit
  45. Residence permit for a definite period
  46. Residence permit for an indefinite period
  47. Resident
  48. Residential area (Gf-Fvw)
  49. Residual gas
  50. Rest of the world (NA)
  51. Rest-of-the-world current account
  52. Restoration/conservation studio (archives)
  53. Retail trade
  54. Reunification migration
  55. Revenues from the museum card
  56. Revolving credit
  57. Rhine and Meuse river
  58. River
  59. Road tractor
  60. Road traffic area
  61. Road vehicle
  62. Roll-on roll-off
  63. Ro-ro
  64. Ro-ro cargo
  65. Round trip flight
  66. Ruling/arrest
  67. Rural area