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1088 results for water surface
1088 results for water surface

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Proximity to facilities; distances by car, sub-municipal data 2020

Distances to and number of facilities: healthcare, retail, leisure, schools and culture per municipality, district and neighbourhood


More traffic deaths in 2022, particularly among cyclists over 75

In 2022, a total of 737 people in the Netherlands were killed in a traffic accident.


Industry; production and sales, changes and index, 2015=100

Indexfigures and changes of production, total turnover, domestic and foreign turnover in the industry by sectors and branches (SIC2008)


Investments in tangible fixed assets; business sector

Investments, Tangible fixed assets Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008)


Inflation down to 2.8 percent in February

The inflation rate stood at 2.8 percent in February.


Estimating illegal activities in the national accounts

This article explains in more detail the latest estimate of the illegal economy for reporting year 2021. Special attention is paid to the difference between income generated within the Dutch borders...


Housing costs of households; household and dwelling characteristics

Housing costs, housing cost ratio, skewed rent Owner or tenant, household characteristics, dwelling characteristics


Supplies natural gas, electricity, public grid; companies, SIC 2008, region

Supply of natural gas and electricity, public grid Companies, provinces, municipalities


Trade and industry; employment and finance per sector, SIC 2008

Trade and industry; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, results Industry, construction, trade, transport, personal and business services


Greenhouse gas emissions 6 percent lower in 2023

In 2023, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 6 percent lower than in 2022. This was mainly due to lower emissions from the electricity sector.


Enterprises with innovation; key figures

Innovators, innovators with realised innovations, co-operating innovators


Greenhouse gas emissions 9 percent lower in Q3 2023

In Q3 2023, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 9 percent lower than in Q3 2022. This was mainly due to lower emissions from the electricity sector.


Inflation up to 3.2 percent in January; 3.5 percent excluding energy

The inflation rate stood at 3.2 percent in January.


Electricity; production and means of production

Production of electricity and heat. Input of fuels. Installed capacity. By sector, installation type and Combined Heat and Power.


Government; social benefits

Statutory social security benefits, Social Assistance Benefits


Housing costs of households; dwelling characteristics, region

Housing costs, housing cost ratio, skewed rent Owner or tenant, region, dwelling characteristics, periods, margins


Composition development of goods exports: exporter characteristics

Export growth and Contribution to total export growth Size independent SME's; SIC 2008; Multinationals and Export status


Government revenue; transactions, sectors

Government revenue (ESA 2010). Current and capital transactions, sectors, quarters.


Government; Balance and Maastricht debt, sectors

Balance and Maastricht debt in million euros and as percentage of GDP subdivided to subsectors of general government.


Inflation down to 1.2 percent in December; 3.4 percent excluding energy

The inflation rate stood at 1.2 percent in December.


Approaches of domestic product (GDP); National Accounts

Gross domestic products Output components, final expenditure categories and income components


Production process; economic activity, region, National Accounts

Output; Gross value added; Labour input Economic activity (SIC2008); Region; Periods


Children with single parent three times more likely to live in MDU

On 1 January 2021, more than a third of all minors in single-parent households were living in a multi-dwelling unit (MDU), for example an apartment, ground floor unit or upstairs unit. This share is...
