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785 results for wages
785 results for wages

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Gender pay gap still narrowing

In 2019, the wage gap between men and women narrowed further in the Netherlands. Women’s average gross hourly earnings were 14 percent lower than men’s.


Dutch Trade in Facts and Figures, 2021

This publication contains information on internationalisation in the Netherlands. Exports and imports of goods and services, export earnings, value chains, multinationals and investment are covered...


Internationalisation Monitor 2022 Q2 – International trade in services

In this edition of the Internationalisation Monitor we provide more insight into international trade in services: how did it develop in the past years and what barriers do firms encounter when they...


Inflation rate 1.3 percent in 2020

In 2020, consumer prices in the Netherlands rose by 1.3 percent on average relative to the previous year.


Higher wages and work pressure at US companies

Employees of US multinationals earn higher median wages but also work more (overtime) hours and experience higher work pressure and more mental fatigue than other multinationals and...


Direct wage

The regular payment in money that belong to the gross wage applicable for social insurance schemes plus the value of the untaxed vacation certificates and savings schemes, the employee’s contribution...


Cao wages, contractual wage costs and working hours;(2000=100), 2000-2014

Cao wages, contractual wage costs and working hours, Index fig. 2000=100 monthly, SIC'93


Minimum wage earner

Employee earning the minimum wage applicable to his/her age or less. For part-time workers the minimum wage is proportional to the number of weekly hours worked.


Standard hourly wage

The standard hourly wage is calculated by dividing the weekly wage by 1/52 of the annual contractual working hours. In it the weekly working hours, the number of official holidays (six calendar days...


The Netherlands in numbers, 2021 edition

The Netherlands in numbers (2021 edition) answers 36 questions about our country by means of images and text.


Gross wages and salaries

The category gross wages and salaries refers to employees on the payroll and includes - wages including employees' contributions to social insurances minus sick pay; - bonuses, holiday allowances,...


Collective labour agreement (CAO) wage rates

The collective labour agreement (CAO in Dutch) wage rate including special payments contains the following elements: - Gross basic wage rates for hours normally worked by fulltime employees. - All...


Wages earned

The wages employees earn (as opposed to collective labour agreement wages).


Hourly wage

The wage, calculated by dividing the monthly wage, excluding overtime, by 1/12 of the annual working hours.


Accommodation and food services largest employer on Bonaire

In 2019, there were nearly 11 thousand employee jobs on Bonaire.


More spending power for Statia’s low-income groups in 2018

St Eustatius once again recorded a rise in consumer purchasing power in 2018. The median increase was 2 percent relative to 2017.


Job wages on Bonaire averaged 2,050 USD in 2017

In 2017, average job wages on Bonaire amounted to 2,050 USD gross per month. On Saba and St Eustatius, this was 2,285 and 3,150 USD respectively.


Equal wages for equal jobs? Jobs and wages in the public and private sectors, 2010 (Dutch only)

This report describes jobs, wages and wage gaps in the public and private sectors in the Netherlands in 2010. Commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.


CBS examines the value of data

Data are becoming more and more important for society and within the economy.


Equal wages for equal jobs? Jobs and wages in the public and private sector, 2008  (Summary in English)

This paper describes jobs, wages and wage gaps in the public and private sector in the Netherlands in 2008. Additional tables are available on request. Commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs...


Public deficit 27 billion euros in first nine months of 2020

This year, the Dutch government spent 27 billion euros more than it received up through September.


Internationalisation Monitor 2021, fourth quarter, Exogenous shocks

How did Dutch trade in goods fare during the coronavirus and Brexit shocks? How have trading companies dealt with these exogenous shocks and which traders have been hit the hardest? Which...


Satellite account for culture and media 2018

Besides the contribution of culture and media to the Dutch economy and the different good, services and branches of industry playing a part here, the cultural and media goods and services are grouped...
