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15 results for keyword:discussion papers
15 results for keyword:discussion papers

Experiences with mixed-mode surveys in times of COVID-19 at Statistics Netherlands

This paper shows how Statistics Netherlands managed the unexpected loss of CAPI respondents in social surveys during COVID-19. It covers efforts to reduce response loss, quantifies the impact of...


Transition to homeownership in the Netherlands

Employing micro-level population register data from the Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS), we discuss the extent to which parental socio-economic status (SES) and educational attainment...


Structural Time Series Models for Consumer Confidence indicators

A time series model to improve the accuracy of estimates about consumer confidence


NNPF: Neural Network Particle Filter for Time Series Data

Discussion paper on a novel particle filter based on a neural network for time series analysis.


Traffic Flow Density Estimation using Neural Networks

Estimating traffic flow densities measured through road sensors using neural networks


A Person Network of the Netherlands

As part of its research programme Statistics Netherlands has derived a network of the entire Dutch population. This paper describes the methods used to derive the network and will give an overview of...


Tourism statistics and the use of social media data

This paper describes fundamental research into various possibilities to use data based on publicly available social media for the domain of tourism statistics.


Using Website texts to detect Innovative Companies

Producing an overview of innovative companies in a country is a challenging task.


Combining data sources to gain new insights in mobility

This paper describes how multiple data sources that relate to mobility in the city of Rotterdam were combined to create a model for scenario analysis. Sources originate from RET, Gemeente Rotterdam...


Inferring network traffic from sensors without a sampling design

The use of non-probability data as a primary data source in official statistics is currently an active field of research.


Position paper on CBS and artificial intelligence

Position paper on CBS and artificial intelligence


Follow-up study on detection of solar panels from earth observation

Earth observation by planes and satellites provide imagery data that may complement survey and register data.


Correcting survey measurement with road sensor data

Time-based diary surveys collect data over specified time intervals and impose a heavy response burden.


New Quality Criteria for Integrating New Data and Methods in Statistics

This paper aims to elicit a discussion of the existence of a paradigm shift in official statistics through the emergence of new (unstructured) data sources and methods that may not adhere to...


Understanding sentences via sentence embeddings

In this paper we propose a novel algorithm WordGraph2Vec (WG2Vec) to analyse text data. WG2Vec combines two aspects of natural language processing: language models and word embeddings.
