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510 results for keyword:businesses
510 results for keyword:businesses

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Investment down by almost 7 percent in May

In May 2024, the investment volume for tangible fixed assets was down by 6.8 percent year on year.


Gross fixed capital formation in tangible assets; volume figures

Fixed capital formation in tangible assets Year on year volume changes


Confidence among manufacturers continues to improve

Dutch manufacturers were less negative in June than they were in May.


Investment up by over 7 percent in April

In April 2024, the investment volume for tangible fixed assets was up by 7.4 percent year on year.


Confidence among manufacturers is improving again

Dutch manufacturers were less negative in May than they were in April.


Investment down by almost 9 percent in March

In March 2024, the investment volume for tangible fixed assets was down by 8.6 percent year on year.


Three quarters of business owners aiming to boost productivity

Three quarters of business owners report that they are taking steps to increase the productivity of their business.


Business confidence slightly less negative once again

There has been another slight improvement in business confidence, which stood at -6.0 at the start of Q2 2024.


Confidence improving among manufacturers

In April, Dutch manufacturers were less negative than they were in March.


Investment down by almost 3 percent in February

The investment volume of tangible fixed assets was down by almost 3 percent year on year.


Businesses less positive about investment

Expectations among business owners in the manufacturing and business services sectors regarding investment were less positive in March 2024 than they were last year


Manufacturers slightly more negative in March

Dutch manufacturers were more negative in March than one month previously.


Key figures by sector; National Accounts

Sector accounts; key figures Most important figures of institutional sectors


Investments down by over 3 percent in January

The investment volume of tangible fixed assets was down by over 3 percent year on year.


Manufacturers marginally less negative in February

Dutch manufacturers were less negative in February than one month previously.


Investments down by over 8 percent in December

The investment volume of tangible fixed assets was down by over 8 percent year on year.


Business confidence remains negative despite slight improvement

There has been a slight improvement in business confidence, which was -7.7 at the start of Q4 2024.


Manufacturers less negative in January

Dutch manufacturers were less negative in January than one month previously.


Investments nearly 4 percent down in November

The investment volume of tangible fixed assets was down by 3.6 percent year on year.


Manufacturers more negative in December

Dutch manufacturers were more negative in December than one month previously.


Investments 2.5 percent up in October

Tthe volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was up by 2.5 percent year on year.


Research and development; key figures per implementation sector

Employed persons, years of work, enterprises with in-house R&D activities Sectors, businesses, institutions, institutions of higher education


Manufacturers less negative in November

Dutch manufacturers were less negative in November than one month previously.


Investments nearly 2 percent down in September

Tthe volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was down by 1.6 percent year on year.


Business confidence slightly lower at the start of Q4

Entrepreneurial confidence showed a slight decline at the start of Q4 2023, ending at -10.1.
