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2056 results for Internationalisation monitor
2056 results for Internationalisation monitor

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Internationalisation Monitor 2024, first edition – Belgium

Relationship between the Netherlands and Belgium: economy, innovation, digitalisation, sustainability, trade, export earnings, labour market and cross-border commuters .


Internationalisation Monitor 2023, second edition – Sustainable trade?

This edition highlights the sustainability aspects of Dutch trade by means of environmentally friendly and polluting goods. Interconnectedness in global value chains and the import foodprint are...


Internationalisation Monitor 2023, third edition – Digitalisation

Link between digitalisation and international trade: digital trade, export, e-commerce, robotics, productivity, and employment.


Internationalisation Monitor 2023, first edition – India

This edition highlights the Indian economy and the trade and investment relationship between the Netherlands and India. The interdependence between the two countries in global value chains is also...


Internationalisation Monitor 2022, fourth quarter – Productivity

In this edition of the Internationalisation Monitor, we relate recalibrated productivity estimates (multifactor productivity) to internationalisation, innovation and business dynamics.


Methodology Report Energy Poverty Monitor

This methodology report describes the operationalisation of the indicators included in the monitor and the underlying calculations.


Internationalisation Monitor 2022 Q2 – International trade in services

In this edition of the Internationalisation Monitor we provide more insight into international trade in services: how did it develop in the past years and what barriers do firms encounter when they...


Netherlands is EU’s largest beer exporter, Belgium exports the most fries

Both the Netherlands and Belgium are major exporters of beer, frozen potato products (particularly potato fries) and chocolate


Presentation Monitor of Well-being and the Sustainable Development Goals 2024

Well-being means quality of life in the here and now, but also the extent to which that quality of life comes at the expense of the well-being of future generations or people who live elsewhere in...


Monitor of Well-being and SDGs Caribbean Netherlands 2023

Latest data contributing to the monitoring of well-being and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Caribbean Netherlands.


CBS develops Green Deal dashboard to monitor climate change

In 2019, the European Commission presented the European Green Deal.


Biodiversity monitored extensively by CBS

Whereas the population of farmland birds in the Netherlands has declined, dragonfly distribution has increased.


14 percent of Dutch exports are online orders

In 2021, enterprises in the Netherlands exported 76 billion euros in goods and services that were ordered online. This represents 14 percent of total exports by these firms.


Presentation Monitor of well-being and the Sustainable Development Goals 2023

To ensure that everyone can share in the combination that the earth offers and the prosperity it can generate, and to ensure that the quality of life is improved for as many people as possible, the...


Annual Report Youth Monitor 2023

The 2023 Annual Youth Monitor presents a broad overview of the living situation of children and young people in the Netherlands, e.g. on mental health issues, student debt, smoking and school.


More and more telecommunications and computer services from India

In 2022, Dutch companies imported 2.5 billion euros worth of telecommunications and computer services from India.


The Netherlands largest EU importer of soy, palm oil and cocoa

The Netherlands is a major importer of products that are linked to deforestation and land degradation by the European Commission.


Imports from India have increased eightfold since 2002

Between 2002 and 2022, the value of Dutch goods imported from India became eight times higher. India’s share in Dutch imports rose as well over the same period, from 0.6 percentage point to 1 percent.


Internationalisation Monitor 2022, first quarter – The Eurozone

How has the Netherlands' international trade with the euro zone developed since the introduction of the euro, compared to before and compared to (similar) other countries and territories? How is the...


Internationalisation Monitor 2021, fourth quarter, Exogenous shocks

How did Dutch trade in goods fare during the coronavirus and Brexit shocks? How have trading companies dealt with these exogenous shocks and which traders have been hit the hardest? Which...


Evaluation of seabird and harbour porpoise monitoring

Changes in the location or failure of parts of transects of the survey design may have implications for the reliability of seabird and porpoise trends.


Developing a material flow monitor for the Netherlands from national statistical data

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) developed a Material Flow Monitor (MFM) that captures national resource extraction, imports and exports, product flows between economic sectors, as well as emissions and...


Exogenous shocks - Brexit (chapter 5 Internationalisation Monitor)

Trade in goods with the UK after Brexit: Truly tariff-free? brexit


The Annual Report Youth Monitor 2022

The Annual Report Youth Monitor 2021 Summary presents an outline of the living situation of young people in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, including those in the Caribbean Netherlands.


Internationalisation Monitor 2021, third quarter – Non-tariff measures

In this Monitor, we offer insight into what NTMs mean in general and to Dutch trade in particular; the effects of NTMs on product quality and costs, and the extent to which NTM-related costs affect...
