Internationalisation Monitor 2023, first edition – India

All the ingredients appear to be there to intensify economic cooperation with India, also for Dutch firms. In its policy memorandum on foreign trade and development cooperation, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls India an 'economic heavyweight with significant opportunities for Dutch businesses'. It is also one of the countries receiving attention from the Netherlands in terms of both trade and development cooperation. Behind the high growth figures and ambition in India lies great diversity, and there are many (socio)economic problems. Finally, India is known for its red tape and rapidly changing regulations that increase investment risks; its policies are very much focused on the domestic market; and its macroeconomic situation is not yet in order after the coronavirus crisis.
Reason enough to discuss India and our relationship with the country in this publication. We discuss the economies of both countries, bilateral trade in goods and services including IT services, investments, export earnings and the Dutch footprint in India through consumption and consumption of Indian goods in the Netherlands.
The Internationalisation Monitor describes trends in internationalisation and their consequences for the Dutch economy and society. It is published three times a year as part of CBS’ Globalisation development and publication programme, which is commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The aim of the research programme on Globalisation is to arrive at new insights in the field of globalisation in order to contribute to practices, policymaking and science. At the core of this approach is the integration of a wide range of sources and already available microdata, combined with the application of advanced statistical methods such as I/O analysis. The ensuing results, i.e. newly developed statistics and accompanying analyses, are published in the Internationalisation Monitor.
- Webpublicatie - Internationalisation Monitor 2023, first edition – India