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507 results for Belgium
507 results for Belgium

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Palm oil imports on the rise again

After years of decline, Dutch imports of palm oil increased again in 2017; 22 percent up compared to 2016.


Well-being elsewhere

What is well-being ‘elsewhere’? Well-being ‘elsewhere’ concerns the effect that the Dutch pursuit of prosperity has on the rest of the world, and particularly on the least developed countries (LDCs).


Inflation down to 1.2 percent in February

Consumer price index, inflation in the Netherlands fell further in February, to 1.2 percent. This is the lowest level since October 1995. The decease was mainly caused by lower prices for food and...


Household debt marginally down

The total debt of households and non-financial companies amounted to more than 1.3 trillion euros by the end of June, i.e. 223.7 percent of the GDP. This so-called private debt-to-GDP ratio was...


Rapid increase internet usage among older people

The share of 65 to 75-year-olds in the Netherlands active on the internet has more than doubled since 2005. Internet usage in the Netherlands in this age category is among the highest in the EU.


International trade; imports and exports, SITC 3, country, 1996-2017

Import and export value of goods; according to SITC classification (3 digit) and country (groups).


Sharp decline Dutch travel spending in Turkey

Dutch travel spending in the first six months of 2016.


goods transported via land and water cover less than 300 kilometres

Ninety percent of goods loaded on to road vehicles, inland vessels or trains in the Netherlands are subsequently transported across a distance of less than 300 kilometres. The shorter the road...


Export value of goods reaches record high in 2005

With a value of 281 billion euro, Dutch exports of goods were 10 percent higher than in 2004. The import value of goods increased by 9 percent in 2005 to 249 billion euro.


Deposition of nitrogen compounds

Nitrogen deposition refers to the processes by which nitrogen in reactive nitrogen compounds in the air is deposited onto soil and into water.


Largest trade surplus construction services with Asia

The largest trade surplus for Dutch construction services is with the Asian continent


Dramatic decline fatal road accidents in 2008

Last year, 750 people died on Dutch roads.


More diabetics in obese population

Last year 4.8 percent in the Dutch population reported to have diabetes.


Population growth still determined by migration

Netherlands, 1st half of 2017: 100 thousand immigrants, 69 thousand emigrants, 82 thousand births, 78 thousand deaths


Implicit tax rate for energy

The implicit tax rate for energy in the Netherlands has increased almost continuously since the year 2000.


More cyclists killed on Dutch roads

811 people were killed in road traffic accidents in the Netherlands in 2006.


Meat prices: sharpest rise since 2001

In 2017 consumer prices for meat rose by 3.8 percent. Poultry meat, pork, beef and veal, sheep and goat meat, processed meat


International comparability of mortality statistics

CBS became member of the IRIS Core Group, an international software system for automated encoding of causes of death.


Trade with the UK continues to grow

How has trade with the UK developed since the Brexit referendum?
