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153 results for validation
153 results for validation

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Inflation rate down to 0.8 percent

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), March’s inflation rate eased further to 0.8 percent, the lowest level since June 2010. In February, consumer prices were...


Are SMEs ready for big data?

Recent explorative research conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) shows that only a fraction of Dutch small


Correcting survey measurement with road sensor data

Time-based diary surveys collect data over specified time intervals and impose a heavy response burden.


Asylum requests; key figures

Submitted, granted asylum requests and left asylum seekers


Harmonised consumer price index (HICP) 2015=100

Short Surveydescription Harmonised consumer price index (HICP) 2015=100


Improving water statistics and water accounts

Improving water statistics and water accounts on groundwater use and industrial water use.


How do I add a researcher or observer to my project?

How to add a researcher or observer?


Technology festival: smart solutions for society

Corporate news article on Technology festival: smart solutions for society


Collectively negotiated wage increase highest since the end of 2009

In the first quarter of this year, collectively negotiated (CAO) wages increased by 1.8 percent. The wage increase is the highest since the end of 2009, but is still far below the level of inflation.


Automatically detect solar panels with aerial photos

Solar power is an important renewable energy source. This article explains the research conducted by Statistics Netherlands to map the numbers and locations of solar panels more accurately using deep...


Applying for access to microdata

Applying for access to microdata


New steps in big data for traffic and transport statistics

CBS now makes statistics about road traffic intensities purely on the basis of road sensors


Balassa index

The publication of data about the specialisation of Dutch exports in commodities in relation to the exports of the EU (without the Netherlands).


New steps in big data for traffic and transport statistics

Is it possible to combine new data sources, like road sensors in motorways, GPS data and camera footage with information from questionnaires?


New steps in big data for traffic and transport statistics

CBS now makes statistics about road traffic intensities purely on the basis of road sensors


Survey of international goods trade Caribbean Netherlands

The publication of data on the foreign trade of goods of Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius.


International measurement of welfare in a broad sense

The teaching post is likely to play a key role in internationalisation of the Dutch model


Key figures of the population forecasts 2002-2050

Population forecasts: key figures Most important key indicators of the population forecasts


International measurement of welfare in a broad sense

Smits develops Dutch measurement model further using 100 indicators and expand it into international measurement model


Proximity statistics

Provide insight into the travel distances to different facilities of persons for areas with inhabited addresses.


Using Twitter data to measure emotions

Kunneman thinks the particular value of detecting emotions on Twitter
