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110 results for keyword:branch of industry
110 results for keyword:branch of industry

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Number of companies rising further

On 1 January 2009, there were 844 thousand companies and institutions in the Netherlands, an increase by more than 46 thousand relative to one year previously. The number of one-man businesses again...


Smaller rise in collectively agreed wages in second quarter

Collectively negotiated wage rates were 3.0 percent higher in the second quarter of 2009 than in the same period last year. This increase is substantially smaller than the 3.7 percent rise in the...


Sickness absence fairly stable in first quarter

The sickness absence rate of Dutch employees was 4.7 percent on average in the first quarter of 2009.


Households lose capital, but gain income in 2008

As a result of the global finacial crisis, the value of shares and bonds owned by Dutch households has decreased by 66 billion euro last year. One quarter of the value of shares and one tenth of the...


Job growth continues into fourth quarter 2008

The number of jobs of employees grew by 108 thousand in the fourth quarter of last year relative to the same quarter of 2007. Employment also grew relative to the third quarter.


Share of companies employing teleworkers has doubled within four years

By the end of 2007, nearly half of companies with a staff of ten or more persons employed teleworkers. Teleworking is most common among large companies.


Increasing foreign influence on Dutch private sector

In 2006, foreign influence on the non-financial private sector increased further. Non-financial companies realised a total value added to the amount of 305 billion euro.


Collectively negotiated wage increases substantially larger

Collectively negotiated wage rates were 3.4 percent higher in the second quarter of 2008 than twelve months previously. This increase is substantially larger than in the first quarter, when wages...


Job vacancies remain at record level

The number of job vacancies in the Netherlands remains high.


Considerably fewer bankruptcies

In 2006, the number of bankruptcies declined for the first time since 2000. Last year 9,200 bankruptcies were filed, a decrease by 9 percent on 2005.
