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239 results for investigation
239 results for investigation

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How resilient is the Netherlands?

On 19 May 2021 CBS published the Monitor of Well-being & Sustainable Development Goals 2021, which provides a broad description of the trends in well-being in our country.


Adding bio-based products and materials to statistical classifications

Descriptions of processes for proposing new codes to the PRODCOM, CN and NACE classifications at European level. Recommendations are provided based on interviews with experts.


Police investigation more expensive, fewer crimes solved

The police spent more than 2.4 billion euro in 2009 on investigation activities, i.e. an increase by 12 percent relative to 2005. The police registered a 7 percent increase in offences from 2005, but...


Caribbean Netherlands: more births in 2020

Last year, 830 new inhabitants were added to the population of the Caribbean Netherlands. This was mainly due to foreign migration.


Information security and privacy are an ongoing priority for CBS

Information security and privacy are permanently high on the agenda at Statistics Netherlands (CBS).


Development of a survival model for unexpectedly long hospital stays

Survival model for the indicator for unexpectedly long hospital stays.


The Netherlands in numbers, 2021 edition

The Netherlands in numbers (2021 edition) answers 36 questions about our country by means of images and text.


Peer effects on educational attainment

Study of the effect of primary school peer compositions on pupils’ educational achievement in primary and secondary school.


Professor at CBS investigating impact of urban life

research on urban areas and urban problems


Half of all adult adoptees have searched for birth information

Half of all intercountry adoptees who are now adults have ever searched for information on their background.


Nowcasting GDP growth rate: a potential substitute for the current flash estimate

Currently Statistics Netherlands provides a first estimate of the GDP growth rate 45 days after the end of the reference quarter.


The need for timely official statistics

This paper discusses how Statistics Netherlands managed to respond quickly with a range of new outputs following the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic. First, it describes the innovation process and...


Productivity dispersion manufacturing, 1978-2016

This study describes the changes in productivity differences between firms operating in the Dutch manufacturing sector.


Data alliance between CBS and National Rapporteur on Trafficking

Human trafficking and sexual violence against children are extremely serious crimes that have disruptive effects on the lives and well-being of victims.


Pilot Study: Mobile Phone Meta Data Records – Introduction to the research method

Mobile Phone Meta-Data, mobile phone data, method, processing method, privacy, statistical disclosure control


Eurostat Morbidity Statistics, Pilot Data Collection

Dutch pilot data collection for Eurostat Morbidity Statistics, with data on diseases and disorders in the Netherlands in 2016, from registered diagnostic information in medical registers, by age and...


Research by CBS, Eurostat and LinkedIn on Dutch graduates

Article about Research by CBS, Eurostat and LinkedIn on Dutch graduates


A clearer picture of wealth in the Netherlands

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is improving its wealth statistics.


Internationalisation Monitor 2019, fourth quarter

This Internationalisation Monitor focuses on export prices, export quality, trade instruments such as import tariffs, NTMs, trade agreements and companies’ choices with respect to their...


Is undesirable answer behaviour consistent?

This paper investigates whether answer behavior that points at increased risk of measurement error is consistent across surveys, i.e. whether it is a trait of respondents.


A clearer picture of online platforms in the Netherlands

Whether we want to sell new or second-hand products, book a hotel room or simply share photos on social media, online platforms are taking on an ever-greater role, both in our society and in our...


Internationalisation Monitor 2021, second quarter

This edition of the Internationalisation Monitor focuses on the environmental aspect of Dutch international trade: how does globalisation contribute to the issues and solutions in the area of...


Imports of Digitised Products

This study provides a first reasonable experimental overview of the size of a few digitised activities in the Dutch economy. The intent behind the study is not to give a complete overview of all...


Employment estimates using survey and register data

This report describes macro-integration methods applied to the reconciliation process of labor force statistics from two sources.


The planet as a basis for a new indicator of well-being

The planet as a basis for a new indicator of well-being
