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528 results for vegetable cultivation
528 results for vegetable cultivation

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Increase in sugar beet cultivation

The cultivation area for sugar beets in the Netherlands grew by 21 percent in just one year.


Dutch Trade in Facts and Figures, 2021

This publication contains information on internationalisation in the Netherlands. Exports and imports of goods and services, export earnings, value chains, multinationals and investment are covered...


Brussels sprouts exports hit record high

Brussels sprouts exports have risen most significantly among the winter vegetables.


Strong increase in biological pest control in ornamental plant cultivation

Commercial growers of flowers and ornamental plants in the Netherlands are increasingly using biological pest control.


Yield and cultivation area apples and pears per region, 1997 - 2017

yield, cultivation area fruit variety, region


Other vegetable waste

Residual vegetable matter derived from industrial processes (mainly paper manufacturing) or agriculture waste (straw, peelings from coffe beans and the like).


Inflation rate rose to 1.9 percent in March

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.9 percent higher in March than in the same month last year.


Flower bulb cultivation continues to flourish

The area of farmland destined for bulb cultivation in the Netherlands continues to grow.


Agricultural exports staying rooted

Despite the coronavirus crisis, Dutch agricultural exports grew by an estimated 1 percent in 2020 relative to the previous year.


Fewer bulb growers cultivating more land

The number of flower bulb farms has decreased by 40 percent since 2000.


Asparagus cultivation 66 percent up in north of Limburg since 2000

The area used for growing asparagus has risen by 1,230 hectares (nearly 60 percent) since 2000 to more than 3,300 ha in 2014. Statistics Netherlands announced today that asparagus cultivation spread...


Internationalisation Monitor 2021, fourth quarter, Exogenous shocks

How did Dutch trade in goods fare during the coronavirus and Brexit shocks? How have trading companies dealt with these exogenous shocks and which traders have been hit the hardest? Which...


Consumer prices on Bonaire down by 5.2 percent

In Q4 2020, prices of consumer goods and services on Bonaire declined by 5.2 percent relative to the same quarter of the previous year.


Greenhouse vegetables mainly exported

Last year, 4.4 billion kg of vegetables were harvested in the Netherlands. More than 35 percent of the total vegetable crop consists of greenhouse vegetables (cucumbers, bell peppers and tomatoes).


Dutch people do not eat enough fruit, vegetables and fish

The Dutch do not eat enough fruit, vegetables and fish. About a quarter of the population meets the doses recommended by the Dutch Health council. People with foreign backgrounds meet the standards...


Goods imports down mainly due to less petroleum and gas

In the first eight months of 2020, Dutch goods imports amounted to over 275 billion euros.


Sugar beet cultivation reduced, more seed potatoes grown

The cultivation of sugar beets, ware potatoes, starch potatoes, summer wheat and grain maize is reduced in 2015. The cultivation areas for seed potatoes, seed onions, winter wheat and barley have...


Asparagus cultivation rising again since 2000

Some 2,500 hectares were used to grow asparagus in the Netherlands in 2008. This is 19 percent more land than in 2000.
