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213 results for shoes
213 results for shoes

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Consumers are buying more durable goods

In January 2006 households spent 1.5 percent more on goods and services than in January 2005.


Marginal consumption growth

Household spending in March 2011 was 0.2 percent up on March 2010.


Upward trend in household spending continues in April

Household spending on goods and services rose by 2.0 percent in April 2007 relative to April 2006. It is the most substantial increase so far this year.


Retail turnover up 3 percent

The Dutch retail sector realised 3.1 percent more turnover in April this year than in the same month last year. Prices rose by 2 percent. The volume of sales grew by just over 1 percent.


Zero growth for household consumption in September

Household spending on goods and services was at the same level in September 2012 as in September 2011. In the preceding 13 months, consumption decreased.


Inflation rate stable

Dutch inflation remained unchanged in April. The consumer price index shows that, just as in March, consumer prices were on average 1.8 percent higher than twelve months ago.


Households spend less on goods and services

Household spending on goods and services was 1.5 percent down in July 2012 from July 2011.The decline is more substantial than in June. This was partly due to a change in tax legislation effective...


Household consumption still in decline

Household spending on goods and services was 2.2 percent down in February 2013 from February 2012. In January, consumption had declined by 2.3 percent.


Modest consumption growth due to lower natural gas consumption

Household consumption barely increased in the first months of 2011. Spending on goods and services was 0.3 percent higher in February than twelve months previously. In January, consumption grew by...


Household consumption up in December

In December 2005, household spending on goods and services was 0.9 percent up on December 2004. Spending on durable items improved significantly.


Less consumption in May

Dutch households were as reluctant to spend money in May 2005 as they were in the previous months. The volume of domestic consumption was down 0.7percent on May 2004. The decrease was fully...


Modest decline household spending due to higher natural gas consumption

Household spending on goods and services was 0,3 percent down in March 2013 from March 2012, a modest decline compared with the preceding months. This was predominantly due to a higher consumption of...


Household spending down

Household spending on goods and services was 2.4 percent down in June 2013 from June 2012. The contraction was somewhat larger than in May (1.9 percent).


Household consumption invariably low

Dutch household spending was 3.6 percent lower in May 2009 than in May 2008. The decline in April was in the same order of magnitude. In the past four months, consumption expenditure has been...
