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4473 results for use of accommodation
4473 results for use of accommodation

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More and more families with two working parents

Last year, there were 1.6 million couples with at least one underage child in the Netherlands. In 77 percent of these families both parents worked.


Family reunion still main reason for immigration

Family reunion is still the main reason for migration, but labour and asylum are rising.


COEN Business Survey Netherlands

Introduction of The Business Survey Netherlands (COEN) presents the mood among Dutch entrepreneurs.


Particulate matter emissions caused by business activity

Between 2000 and 2016, emissions of particulate matter (PM10) caused by Dutch business activity fell by more than 41 percent, while GDP increased.


Consumer prices 1.5 percent up in November

The consumer price index was 1.5 percent higher in November than in the same month last year.


Contribution of re-exports doubled over past 20 years

Re-exports of goods have become increasingly important for the Dutch economy over the past decades.


More exports to North Rhine-Westphalia than to France

Last year, the value of goods exports to the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia amounted to 37 bn euros.


Terms of trade in goods; index 2000 = 100, 1990 - 2013

Terms of trade Index figures, base year 2000 = 100 and changes


Inflation rate rises to 1.0 percent

Inflation rate rises to 1.0 percent


Most EU targets not yet achieved by the Netherlands

percentage of people who have successfully completed tertiary-level education


Slight increase in job numbers

In the third quarter of 2005 the number of jobs was slightly higher than in the second quarter. The seasonally corrected figures show an increase of 7 thousand jobs of employees.


Dutch population feels a little safer

At the beginning of 2006, fewer people in the Netherlands did not feel safe than twelve months previously. People living in Zeeland felt safest. The number of crimes people experienced was also down,...


Food for thought: dietary and health trends in the Netherlands

These are just some findings in the book Food for thought: dietary and health trends in the Netherlands, published today.


Voters prefer computer to red pencil

Dutch voters trust voting machines. They think they are the most reliable way to vote.


Dutch economy shrinks by 1.1 percent

According to the first provisional estimate, the Dutch economy shrank by 1.1 percent in the first quarter of 2012 compared with the same period last year.


Dutch inflation dips into negative territory

Dutch inflation dips into negative territory


Consumer prices 1.3 percent up in October

The consumer price index was 1.3 percent higher in October than in the same month last year.


Japan lags behind in growth of Dutch exports to Asia

Japan has dropped four places on the list of main top Asian markets for Dutch-manufactured goods since 2002. That year, Japan was still the largest Asian market, but by 2010 it ranked third, dropping...


Inflation rate stable in December

According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the CPI inflation rates in November and December 2015 were 0.7 percent higher than in the same months in 2014. The rate over the entire year 2015 averaged...


Nearly half a million Dutch live elsewhere in Europe

Many Dutch people make use of the right of free movement of persons within Europe: at the start of 2011 nearly half a million Dutch people were living in other European countries. Belgium in...


SDG 16.2 Institutions

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions: institutions. SDG 16 relates to institutions such as the House of Representatives, police, judicial system...
