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2321 results for leisure activities
2321 results for leisure activities

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Area under organic farming up by nearly 9 percent

In 2023, the total utilised agricultural area (UAA) under organic farming increased by 6.6 thousand hectares relative to the previous year. This is an area equivalent to over 9 thousand football...


Avoided use of fossil energy and emission of CO2

Renewable energy; avoided use of fossil energy energy sources/techniques, energy application


Dutch well-being high, but under increasing pressure

it is becoming more difficult to maintain this level of well-being. Many elements of Dutch natural capital are showing systemic deterioration, with increasing pressure on plant and animal...


The Netherlands in numbers, 2023 edition

The Netherlands in numbers answers questions about the Netherlands’ past and present in 34 infographics, text and figures.


Retail turnover almost 5 percent higher in May

The Dutch retail sector recorded 4.6 percent year-on-year turnover growth. The volume of sales decreased by 5.8 percent.


Business survey Netherlands, quarterly, seasonally adjusted

Business Survey Netherlands, production, turnover, profitability Economic climate, workforce, sector/branches, seasonally adjusted


Manufacturing output prices over 5 percent down in August

In August 2023, prices of Dutch-manufactured products were down by an average of 5.1 percent year on year.


Fewer and fewer families in which only the father works

In 2023, in 13 percent of families with children under 18 only the father was in paid work, while their partners (mostly women) were not in paid work.


Emissions to air on Dutch territory; road traffic

Air pollution emissions and vehicle fleet emissionfactors road traffic Dutch territory; vehicle category


Forest Accounts for the Netherlands, 2020

Below are the reports that have been made in the context of the EU-Grant SMP-ESS-2021-EGD-IBA. This grant is intended as an incentive to set up forest accounts that will be decreed at European level...


Exports down by 1.5 percent in June

In June, the total volume of goods exports was down by 1.5 percent year on year.


Manufacturing output prices almost 8 percent down in July

In July 2023, prices of Dutch-manufactured products were down by an average of 7.7 percent year on year.


Milk supply and dairy production by dairy factories

Milk supply by dairy farms, production of butter, cheese, milk powder, concentrated milk and whey powder


Revisions to GDP and GNI in 2021 and 2022

This article details the revisions made to Statistics Netherlands’ (CBS) national accounts for the 2021 and 2022 reporting years.


Production on buildings; price index 2015=100

Price indices on total output of construction, new and other construction of houses and buildings for the private sector and (semi-)public sector.


Economic contraction of 0.1 percent in Q1 2024

According to the first quarterly estimate from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) based on the data currently available, in Q1 2024 gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 0.1 percent relative to the...


Births: key figures

Fertility, live and stillborn children and multiple births sex, marital status mother, average age mother and father


Retail turnover over 5 percent higher in April

The Dutch retail sector recorded 5.3 percent year-on-year turnover growth. The volume of sales decreased by 4.8 percent.


Greenhouse gas emissions 6 percent lower in 2023

In 2023, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 6 percent lower than in 2022. This was mainly due to lower emissions from the electricity sector.


International trade; Imports and exports of services by country, quarter

Imports; exports; services broken down into various types of services Countries


Stochastically reconstructing business production networks

Analysing business production networks is a pioneering field for national statistical institutes. The application of network reconstruction methods are the main focus of this paper.


Exports almost 1 percent up in May

In May, the total volume of goods exports was up by 0.8 percent year on year.


Economic growth of 0.3 percent in Q4 2023

According to the first quarterly estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) on the basis of currently available data, in Q4 2023 gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 0.3 percent relative...


Social Security Funds; revenue and expenditure

Monthly cash based revenue and expenditure of the Social Security Funds according to EU directive 2011/85 (Sixpack).


Economic contraction 0.2 percent in Q3 2023

According to the first quarterly estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) on the basis of currently available data, in Q3 2023 gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 0.2 percent relative...
