Consumer Confidence Survey

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has been conducting the Consumer Confidence Survey since 1972. With this survey, Statistics Netherlands collects current information on how people in the Netherlands think about the economy and the financial situation of their own household.
It addresses questions such as: Do you think that prices have risen or fallen in the past year? Do you consider this a good time to make large purchases? Do you expect unemployment to rise or fall?
How to participate
Invitation with login details
Did you receive an invitation with login details? Then you can join right away. Enter the login code from the letter at:
Invitation without login details
Did you receive an invitation without login details? Then a CBS employee will visit your home shortly to fill in the questionnaire together.
Do you want to know more first? Then read on.
Why this survey
The Consumer Confidence survey measures the consumer confidence of people in the Netherlands. The results of this monthly survey provide one of the most sought CBS figures.
The survey is also conducted at the request of the European Commission. The European Commission uses the results to estimate the development of the Dutch economy. Because this survey is also conducted in other countries, it is possible to compare different countries.
Why you have been selected
CBS has randomly selected a small number of people from the Personal Records Database (BRP). The BRP contains the names and addresses of all residents of the Netherlands. The addresses of the people we approach are spread throughout the Netherlands. Not every resident can be involved in this survey. That is why your participation is so important: you represent a large number of other people in the Netherlands.
Your information is safe
CBS handles your information with the utmost care. Your personal details are immediately separated from your answers. You can read how we handle your information on the web page: Privacy.
By completing the Consumer Confidence questionnaire, you may receive one of the available Apple Watches or VVV gift cards worth €300. When the interview has been conducted by a CBS staff representative, they will let you know at the end of the interview whether you have won. You will be contacted soon afterwards. The letter you received from CBS states the date up to which you can participate in this survey.
The lucky ones are selected totally at random. This means that no specific personal characteristics are taken into account during the lucky draw.
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Did a CBS employee visit or call you? You can find more information about this by clicking on: CBS will never just show up at your door.