Sustained growth exports

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Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the total volume of goods exports grew by 2.9 percent in April 2017 relative to April 2016. Growth was below the level of March, when exports were nearly 6 percent up from one year previously. The growth of the volume of imports also slowed down: from 7.5 percent in March to 0.6 percent in April.

In April 2017, exports of electrical machinery and chemical products rose significantly. Natural gas exports, on the other hand, were again considerably lower than one year previously.

The CBS Exports Radar indicates that circumstances for exports are slightly more favourable in June than in April.

Circumstances for Dutch exports slightly more favourable in June

According to the CBS Exports Radar, circumstances for Dutch exports are slightly more favourable in June than in April. Conditions are strongly affected by recent developments on the major export markets for Dutch products and by the competitive position of the Netherlands.

In June’s Exports Radar, European and German producer confidence improved compared to April. The development of Germany’s manufacturing output was also more favourable.

Goods exports account for approximately three-quarters of total exports. CBS does not publish monthly data on exports of services. Data on total exports are published on a quarterly and annual basis. The data in this publication are provisional and can be subject to adjustments.