Dutch spend more on recreational trips

In 2007, an average day out cost 14 euro per person. Adjusted for price changes, this is nearly 11 percent more than in 2002. Altogether, the Dutch spent nearly 13 billion euro on recreational trips, over one billion more than in 2002. The inflation-adjusted increase is only 2 percent. This is due to a decline in the number of day trips by approximately 7.5 percent over that period.

Snacks and drinks most expensive

On average, day trips cost 14 euro; 8 euro is spent on snacks and drinks, more than 3 euro on entrance fees and 2 euro on transport. Half a decade ago, average spending on day trips was 12 euro; 7 euro was spent on snacks and drinks.

Spending on day trips

Spending on day trips

Sports relatively cheap form of recreation

Per capita spending in restaurants, pubs and discos during day trips was 26 euro. Sports-related day trips were cheaper, i.e. just over 8 euro. Golf is an exception. The average price of a game of golf was over 26 euro.

Young people most active

Young people in the age category 15-24 were most keen to go out, on average 74 times in 2007. They go to bars, pubs and other places of entertainment far more often than older people. With an average of 51 trips a year, persons in the 25-45 age bracket are the least active. If they go on a day trip, it is mostly sports-related or to go out.

Number of recreational trips per capita, 2007

Number of recreational trips per capita, 2007

Shopping increasingly popular

Shopping for pleasure has become increasingly popular. Last year, people made 134 million recreational shopping trips, as against 113 million in 2002. Nearly one third of these trips were made on Saturdays. In particular in autumn and winter, recreational shopping is a popular pastime. During half of shopping trips, people were accompanied by family members and only 13 percent shopped alone.

Especially women are keen on recreational shopping; 20 percent of all day trips made by women involve shopping. For men it is 10 percent.

Share of recreational shopping in all day trips

Share of recreational shopping in all day trips

Maico Hoksbergen