Cooperation with higher education

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) works with a number of universities and universities of applied sciences. This cooperation includes joint research, establishing special professorial chairs, staff secondments, lectures or guest lectures and providing internship places. Cooperation occurs in many areas, and institutions of higher education help CBS to improve its existing statistics and to innovate. It reinforces the knowledge level of existing staff members and helps staff to get the most out of their work. Universities and universities of applied science are also an important source of new personnel, and maintaining close links with institutions of higher education helps CBS to recruit new colleagues. And finally, these partnerships enable CBS to contribute to the creation of new insights and thus to scientific knowledge in the Netherlands.
Academic cooperation occurs across a range of research projects, both large and small. The map below shows which institutions CBS has close, long-term partnerships with. These are institutions where one or more special professorial chairs has been established and/or with which CBS has signed a framework agreement or a wide-ranging partnership agreement. You can click on any of the institutions to find out more about CBS’s partnership with that institution. It should be noted, however, that CBS’s partnerships with institutions of higher education are not limited to those shown here.
Partnership agreements
CBS has concluded framework agreements or wide-ranging cooperation agreements with a number of Dutch universities and universities of applied science. This means that both parties have signed a joint agreement regarding how and/or in which areas they cooperate.
A ‘digital twin' of our own society that policymakers can use to work on complex societal problems – it might sound futuristic but that is exactly what researchers from CBS and the University of Amsterdam (UvA) (and specifically the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)) are working on. On 31 May 2022, the very productive partnership between CBS and the University of Amsterdam was extended for another five years. This photo was taken during the formal signing of the partnership agreement between CBS and the University of Amsterdam/IAS, with Karen Maex, the Rector Magnificus of the University of Amsterdam and Marleen Verbruggen, Chief Director of Economics, Business and National Accounts at CBS.
Professors and professorial chairs
CBS employs a number of senior researchers who are also (special) professors or lecturers at a university or university of applied science. These academics contribute to the scientific grounding of CBS research. They also maintain important internal and external knowledge networks. The chairs and professorships that they hold are funded by Statistics Netherlands.
PhD students & interns
There are various programmes in which research is carried out together with PhD candidates and/or students as part of dissertation programmes, dual programmes or internships. More information about current internship opportunities at CBS can be found on our internship page.
Find out more
For more information about CBS’s partnerships with higher education, please contact the Expertise Centre for CBS and Higher Education (ECHO) by mailing