What makes working at CBS so enjoyable are the people.

What makes working at CBS so enjoyable are the people. The professionals, the drive, the enthusiasm and the relevance of what we do. The social commitment, that is the common thread that attracts me. I’m also a people person. Always curious about what drives people, what they are good at and what makes them happy. I’m a connector and make sure there is a connection between the various teams within my sector and beyond. Within our sector, we work on great projects such as population forecasts, the Census, the Pay Gap Monitor, the Civic Integration Act and statistics on migration and integration, social security and the labour market.
In addition, CBS offers plenty of opportunities for development, at least if you are open to it yourself. It is not handed to you, you have to do something for it yourself. CBS has the CBS Academy where you can follow both personal and professional training courses. Knowledge is also transferred among and by our own staff. We are a learning organisation. To me, that means being open to new things, helping each other and reflecting. Reflecting on yourself, but also reflecting as an organisation. Giving feedback, being open with each other and working together.
Then, after a full day at the office, it is wonderful to clear my head in my garden and amongst my animals. What started out with two goats has now become a cosy bunch of animals, including two Kunekune pigs. Just working in the earth or emptying a pen. Just being busy with my animals, that is my passion.