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2961 results for water transport
2961 results for water transport

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Import value of transport services 32 percent up in first half of 2022

In the first six months of 2022, Dutch companies and consumers imported 22.7 billion euros in foreign transport services, i.e. nearly 32 percent more than in the first half of 2021.


Trade and industry; employment and finance per sector, SIC 2008

Trade and industry; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, results Industry, construction, trade, transport, personal and business services


Distribution of well-being: the environment

Recent data on distribution of well-being for the theme environment by sex, age, education level and origin/country of birth. Well-being is not distributed equally across all groups in the population.


Industrial sector expects investment to rise by 30 percent

Manufacturers in the industrial sector expect to invest around 30 percent more in tangible fixed assets (such as buildings, machinery, transportation equipment or computers) in 2024 than they did in...


Exports of goods and services by origin; National Accounts

Value at current prices and pricelevel 2015 in million euros, origin of exports SIC 2008, re-export, trade and transport margins


High-growth enterprises, European standard; SIC2008

High-growth enterprises; Employees in high-growth enterprises Sector_branches_SIC_2008


Employer business demography, European standard; legal form, SIC2008

Employers births; Employers deaths; Employer population Sector_branches_SIC_2008; legal forms


Business demography, European standard; legal form, SIC2008

Enterprise births; enterprise deaths; enterprise population SIC 2008; legal forms


73 inhabitants drowned in 2022

In 2022, altogether 73 inhabitants of the Netherlands died due to drowning in open water or in and around the house. This is 7 fewer people than in the previous year.


Employer business demography, European standard, size class, SIC2008

Employer births; Employer deaths; Persons employed; SIC 2008;


Business demography, European standard; size class,SIC2008

Enterprise births; enterprise deaths; legal form Persons employed; NCEA 2008


Well-being ‘later’: natural capital

Natural capital relates to services that the natural environment provides to the economy, such as raw materials and recreation.


Well-being here and now: environment

What is well-being ‘here and now’? Environment.


Land use; all categories, municipalities

Traffic area, Built up area, Forest, Natural area, Water Netherlands, Municipalities


New CBS research focuses on the ecology and economy of North Sea

The Dutch area of the North Sea is our country’s largest nature reserve, but it is also used intensively by maritime traffic and for wind farms, for example.


Environmental taxes and fees, revenues by taxpayer; national accounts

environmental taxes, environmental fees, waste tax, fuel tax, excise duty tax payers, tax revenues, sewerage charges, mobility tax


98 cases of drowning in 2023

A total of 98 people resident in the Netherlands drowned in open water or in their home or garden in 2023.


Earnings and labour volume; exporting and supplying sector (SIC2008)

Labour volume, value added Sector_branches_SIC_2008


Nearly 7 percent more rail freight transport in 2021

In 2021, 42.6 million tonnes of goods were transported over Dutch railways. This is 6.5 percent up on the previous year.


Emissions to air by the Dutch economy; national accounts

emissions to air, climate change, greenhouse gases, CO2, ozone layer air pollution, acidification, environmental accounts,


Greenhouse gas emissions 4 percent lower in Q1 2023

In Q1 2023, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 4 percent lower than in Q1 2022. This was mainly due to lower emissions from the built environment and manufacturing.


Nearly half the electricity produced in the Netherlands is now renewable

In 2023, 48 percent of electricity was generated from renewable sources such as solar, wind and water.


Households used more water in 2020, companies less

In 2020, mains water consumption in the Netherlands was up by more than 2.5 percent on the previous year.


Less domestic road haulage in 2023

In 2023, Dutch lorries carried a total weight of 642 million tonnes of goods.


Sharpest decline in inbound goods transport since the 2009 economic crisis

In 2020, altogether 601 billion kg of goods arrived in the Netherlands.
