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3110 results for sugar industry
3110 results for sugar industry

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Manufacturing output 8 percent down in August

In August 2023, the average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 8 percent lower than in August 2022.


Manufacturing output almost 8 percent down in June

In June 2023, the average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 7.7 percent lower than in June 2022.


Tourism; key indicators, National Accounts

Tourism, contribution to the Dutch economy, key indicators. Employment, value added and expenditures in the tourism industry.


Output and income components of GDP; activities, National Accounts

Output, intermediate consumption, value added and income components Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008)


Gross fixed capital formation by destination; National Accounts

Gross fixed capital formation by destination Economic activities conform Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC)


The Netherlands largest EU importer of soy, palm oil and cocoa

The Netherlands is a major importer of products that are linked to deforestation and land degradation by the European Commission.


Manufacturing output more than 8 percent down in July

In July 2023, the average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 8.3 percent lower than in July 2022.


Agricultural income further up in 2023

In 2023, the Dutch agricultural sector generated 6.7 percent more income relative to the previous year. Animal output decreased slightly (-0.7 percent), while crop production saw a relatively sharp...


Developing a material flow monitor for the Netherlands from national statistical data

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) developed a Material Flow Monitor (MFM) that captures national resource extraction, imports and exports, product flows between economic sectors, as well as emissions and...


International trade; Dutch export specialisation with respect to the EU

Balassa index, share in total exports, exports of Dutch products and re-exports broken down by the Chapters of the Harmonised System.


Manufacturing output over 9 percent down in May

In May 2023, the average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 9.2 percent lower than in May 2022.


Manufacturing output 12 percent down in April

In April 2023, the average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 12.1 percent lower than in April 2022.


International trade; import and export value, SITC (3 digits), countries

Import, export value and trade balance of goods; SITC (3 digits) and countries.


Manufacturing output 4 percent down in March

In March 2023, the average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 4.0 percent lower than in March 2022.


Life style; personal characteristics

Smoking, alcohol and drug use, being overweight, physical activity Sexual health, nutrition, giving informal care


Business confidence slightly up in Q2 2023

In Q2 2023, business confidence rose to 7.5. This means the sentiment indicator is positive for the second quarter in a row. Business confidence is positive in most industries


Manufacturing output 2 percent down in February

In February 2023, the average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 2.0 percent lower than in February 2022.


Emissions to air on Dutch territory; stationary sources

Air polluting substances and greenhouse gases Refineries, electricity and gas supply, industry, private households


Consumption expenditure by purpose; National Accounts

Final consumption expenditure by purpose Purposes conform COICOP classification


Manufacturing output almost 3 percent down in January

In January 2023, the average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 2.9 percent lower than in January 2022.


Manufacturing output down by a fraction in November

In November 2022, the average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 0.2 percent lower than in November 2021.


Manufacturing output slightly up in December

In December 2022, the average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 0.5 percent higher than in December 2021.


Natural gas consumption in 2022 at lowest level in 50 years

In 2022, natural gas consumption in the Netherlands was down by a quarter relative to 2021.


Manufacturing output more than 3 percent up in October

In October 2022, the average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was up by 3.3 percent on October 2021.
