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170 results for prescription medicine
170 results for prescription medicine

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Continuing decline in mortality from acute heart infarcts

In 2014, over 139 thousand people deceased in the Netherlands. The number of deaths from an acute heart infarct in the Netherlands has been declining steadily since the 1970s, a trend which continued...


CPI (Consumer price indices)

Consumer price indices, month - on-month and year-on-year change Household expenditure for all households, low and high income households


Relatively high budget for mental health care services

The Netherlands spends relatively more money on short-term admissions for mental and behaviourial disorders than other OECD countries. At hospitals (including GGZ institutions) expenditure on these...


Health, disorders, limitations; sex and age, 2010-2013

Perceived state of health, chronic disorders, functional limitations, mental complaints, infectious diseases; by sex and age


Producer Prices (2000 = 100) by ProdCom

Price index numbers including and excluding excise according to product nomenclature Prodcom


Army medical statistics: a 19th century mine of information

We use statistics to build up our knowledge about society. This is an age-old idea of what statistics are for. In the words of Jan Ackersdyck, professor of statistics in Utrecht in the mid-19th...


EU more important trading partner for Ukraine than vice versa

Ukraine is a very small trading partner for the European Union (EU)


Patent applicants and applications; technology area, 2000-2010

Patents, patent applications EPO and NLOC Technology area of application


Health, disorders, limitations; personal characteristics, 2010-2013

Perceived state of health, chronic disorders, functional limitations, mental complaints, infectious diseases; by personal characteristic


Lifestyle, preventive screening; personal characteristics; 2010-2013

Smoking, alcohol consumption, overweight, height, weight, contraceptive pill use and preventive screening.


Aspects of (un)healthy behaviour; 1989-2000

Trend figures on smoking, drinking, cervical smears and mammographies, by sex, type of insurance, age and highest level of education


LinkedIn creates clear picture of graduate skills

What skills can new graduates offer? This information is important for a better understanding of the match between supply and demand in the labour market


Trade to countries according to the Harmonised System 1996 - 2012

Imports, exports value and balance of trade of goods; according to the chapters of the Harmonised System and country (groups).


Production figures industry (excl. construction) (1995-2008)

Indices (2000=100) production, sales and orders, industry (excl. construction) and production development by SIC 1993.


Standard International Trade Classification (SITC 3)

The SITC is a UN classification that makes it possible to compare of foreign trade statistics internationally. The most detailed level of the SITC is the 5-digit classification.


Business survey manufacturing industry February 1989 - October 2011

Production and capacity utilisation, orders, sales prices, stocks final products, competitive position, sales, number of employees for


Producer Prices (2000=100) by ProdCom

Price index information according to the (European) ProdCom nomenclature for commodities sold, imported, exported in the Netherlands
