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624 results for parental custody
624 results for parental custody

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One in eight voters vote by proxy

A huge amount of voters in the Netherlands vote by proxy. At the 2006 elections for the Dutch House of Representatives, 12 percent of voters had authorised somebody else to vote for them.


Number of adopted children reduced by half since 2004

Last year, 672 children were adopted by Dutch parents, approximately as many as in 2009, but considerably fewer than in record year 2004, when 1,378 children were adopted.


Investment climate; capital international comparison 1990-2011

Capital stock and investments Countries


Divorced women more often live alone

Four years after their separation, half of divorced men have remarried or live together with new partners. Divorced women are much more often living alone four years later.


Population forecast

The population forecasts aim to describe the most likely future development of the Dutch population.


growth care expenditure at lowest level in 15 years

Last year, total spending on care rose by 1.6 percent, i.e. less than in prior years. This is partly due to the fact that the growth in medicine consumption slowed down and the average price level of...


Around 700 thousand Dutch people say they have plans to emigrate

Some 700 thousand people in the Netherlands say they have plans to live abroad for a period of at least eight months.


Incomes rising slightly, household debts continue to fall

In the first quarter of 2014 the net real disposable income > of households was 0.2 percent higher than in the first quarter of 2013. It is the first rise in two years. Household debt fell by 2.4...


Most young adults positive about life

Most 18 to 24-year-olds are satisfied with their lives in general and social lives in particular.


Ultimate control enterprises in the Netherlands;jobs,wages,SIC2008,'08-'11

Jobs and wages of employees at enterprises in the Netherlands by locus of control and economic activity (SIC 2008)


January's inflation at 1.4 percent

In January 2007, inflation in the Netherlands was 1.4 percent. The rate was higher than in December, when prices were 1.1 percent up on one year previously, as the consumer price index.


Nearly 23 thousand naturalisations in 2009

Nearly 23 thousand people received the Dutch nationality through naturalisation in 2009.


Purchasing power up after four years of decline

After four years of decline, the purchasing power of the Dutch population improved by 1.5 percent in 2014. All population groups saw their spending power rise in a period of slow economic recovery....


Care and rent allowances continue to rise, childcare allowance lower again

Dutch central government paid just over 10.4 billion euros in income-related allowances for housing, health care and children in 2013. Spending on care allowances, in particular, rose, to 5.1 billion...
