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92 results for keyword:health care
92 results for keyword:health care

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Care sector has the most female workers

There were 11.5 million jobs in the Dutch economy in 2023, an increase of 8 million since 1995.


Labour income share, economic activity

Labour income share, Labour income self-employed (imputed) Economic activities


Health expenditure; functions, financing for internat.comparisons,1998-2022

Health accounts; functions and financing, healthcare functions; healthcare financing


6 in 10 parents in the Caribbean Netherlands use formal childcare

Over 6 in 10 working parents in the Caribbean Netherlands with children under age 12 used formal childcare at least once every week in 2022.


Nearly 230 thousand fewer hospital admissions in 2020

In 2020, the total number of hospital admissions stood at 2.7 million. This is 12 percent lower than in 2019.


Health and health systems compared internationally

Internationally, the Netherlands has relatively low smoking rates and few foreign-trained medical doctors, while relatively little is spent on non-reimbursed medicines.


Lower gains in life expectancy here and in the EU

Both in the Netherlands and in the EU, the increase in life expectancy is slowing down compared to previous periods. The largest increase was between 2003 and 2008. The Netherlands saw a relatively...


Trends in donor registration, 2016

The number of people who explicitly deny permission for organ donation has increased as of 1 March 2017.


Relatively high budget for mental health care services

The Netherlands spends relatively more money on short-term admissions for mental and behaviourial disorders than other OECD countries. At hospitals (including GGZ institutions) expenditure on these...


Full-time working mothers as often employed at managerial level as full-time working fathers

Statistics Netherlands announced today that nearly four in every hundred working women held management positions in 2014, versus nine in every hundred working men. This is partly due to the fact that...


More and more people with diabetes

According to figures released this week by Statistics Netherlands, the percentage of people in the Netherlands reporting that they have diabetes has risen substantially since the beginning of this...


Fewer over-65s receive long-term care services

Nearly 950 thousand persons received long-term care in 2012. Due to the ageing population, the number of long-term care recipients has increased dramatically over the period 2004-2012. Because the...


One in nine employed work less than twelve hours a week

In the second quarter of 2014, nearly 900 thousand people (11 percent of all persons employed in the Netherlands) were working less than twelve hours a week. Three-quarters do not wish or are unable...


Nearly 3 percent of children suffer from autism or related disorders

Information provided by parents indicates that autism and related disorders occur in nearly 3 percent of children and are twice as often found in boys as in girls. Boys are treated for autism or...


growth care expenditure at lowest level in 15 years

Last year, total spending on care rose by 1.6 percent, i.e. less than in prior years. This is partly due to the fact that the growth in medicine consumption slowed down and the average price level of...


More support for chronically ill, disabled and elderly people in the North and East of the Netherlands and Limburg than elsewhere

There were over 250 thousand chronically ill, disabled or elderly people in the Netherlands who required support in organising the practical matters of everyday life in 2012. This form of support...


Sickness absence at lowest level since 1996

The sickness absence rate among employees in the Netherlands was reduced to 3.9 percent in 2013, i.e. at any one time 39 in every one thousand employees were absent due to sickness. The rate reached...


Local governments anticipate deficit of 3.7 billion euros

The overall EMU deficit of local governments for 2014 is estimated at 3.7 billion euros, 0.6 billion euros above the norm as previously agreed upon.


Nearly 6 percent of adults receive long-term care on medical grounds

By the end of last year, 5.6 percent in the Dutch population aged 18 years or older received long-term AWBZ funded care on medical grounds. The proportion is considerably higher in older age...


Growth in spending on health care in the Netherlands and the OECD levelling off

The growth of spending on health care has been levelling off in recent years in the Netherlands and other OECD countries. The number of medical doctors per one thousand inhabitants is slightly below...


Medical professionals ageing

The share of over-55s among medical professionals is higher than among other professionals employed in the care sector. Since the beginning of the 21st century, ageing in the care sector is above the...


Unemployment continues to grow

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, unemployment adjusted for seasonal variation grew by 19 thousand in July to reach 694 thousand.


Young people in low-income households more often overweight

Approximately 15 percent of 2 to 25-year-olds struggle with overweight. Young members of low-income households are more often overweight and have more GP contacts than their counterparts in the...


ICT, knowledge and the economy 2013

ICT, knowledge and the economy 2013 extensively describes how individuals and companies use ICT. Other aspects of the knowledge economy, such as education and research, are extensively dealt with as...
