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Students with a non-Dutch background more likely to attend HAVO or VWO
In 2022/'23, 49 percent of pupils whose parents were born in another country (second-generation migrants) were advised to follow the senior general secondary education (HAVO) or pre-university (VWO)...
Economic cycle affects those with non-European background more than average
Men who leave education during less favourable economic conditions find it harder to enter the labour force than men who leave education when the economy is performing better.
Report on Integration and Society, 2024
CBS-report on the integration of different origin groups in the Dutch society on various themes: population, housing, education, labour market, social security, income, crime, health, social...
Over 4 million people withhold consent for organ donation
On 1 January 2024, 10.6 million people aged 18 years or older had registered their preference regarding organ donation in the national Donor Register.
Donorregistratie (18 jaar of ouder); regio (indeling 2024)
Donorregistratie; toestemming, geen toestemming, geen bezwaar gemeente, provincie, landsdeel
Population of the Netherlands reaches 18 million
The population of the Netherlands will pass 18 million today, according to estimates
30.6 thousand homeless people in the Netherlands
There were an estimated 30.6 thousand homeless people in the Netherlands on 1 January 2023
Good command of Dutch enhances labour participation
A better command of the Dutch language among migrants improves their chances of finding paid work. Nevertheless, relatively many migrants who speak little or no Dutch are working at a high...
73 inhabitants drowned in 2022
In 2022, altogether 73 inhabitants of the Netherlands died due to drowning in open water or in and around the house. This is 7 fewer people than in the previous year.
People of non-Dutch origin relatively often live in large cities
Comparatively many people with a foreign country of origin live in large cities.
Mainly women and children from Ukraine registered
Since 24 February 2022, over 27 thousand people arriving from Ukraine have registered with a Dutch municipality, over a third of them minors.
Newly registered residents with origin Ukraine
This collection of tables contains information on the number of people who have registered as residents in a Dutch municipality since 24 February 2022 with Ukraine as the country of origin.
21 thousand inhabitants of Ukrainian origin
On 1 January 2022, the Netherlands had 21 thousand inhabitants of Ukrainian origin and over 35 thousand of Russian origin. In total, 119 thousand residents originated from a post-Soviet state.
CBS reclassifies migration data after thorough external consultations
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has recently been working on a new classification according to origin for migrants in the Netherlands and for migrant children who were born in the Netherlands.
New classification of population by origin
Overview of new population classification based on country of birth, i.e. the Netherlands or a foreign country classified into continents. Replacing the former classification based on migration...
Population up by 12.8 thousand in Q1 2021
In Q1 2021, the population of the Netherlands grew by 12.8 thousand.
Country of origin
Country where an immigrant used to live before moving to the Netherlands
Country of origin
Country where an immigrant used to live before moving to the Netherlands
Country of origin
Country where an immigrant used to live before moving to the Netherlands