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103 results for fractions
103 results for fractions

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International trade; imports and exports, SITC 3, country, 1996-2017

Import and export value of goods; according to SITC classification (3 digit) and country (groups).


Economic growth 3.5 percent in 2007

Based on Statistics Netherlands’ first estimate of fourth quarter growth in 2007, Dutch economic growth in 2007 came to 3.5 percent.


Dutch economy recovers further in fourth quarter 2010

Dutch economic growth in the fourth quarter of 2010 was 2.4 percent compared with the same period in the previous year.


Economic growth in the third quarter of 2005 higher than previously estimated

The growth rate of the Dutch economy was 1.3 percent in the third quarter of 2005.


Dutch economy grows by 1.5 percent

Dutch economic growth came to 1.5 percent in the third quarter of 2004 compared with the same quarter in 2003. The is the largest increase in the volume of gross domestic product (GDP) in the last...


Economic growth of 1.1 percent in 2005

The growth rate of the Dutch economy in 2005 reached 1.1 percent. This is lower than the 1.7 percent growth rate in 2004, but well above the figures for the years 2002-2003.


Energy balance sheet; supply, transformation and consumption, 1995-2013

Energy commodities reported into petajoules (PJ) and physical units by energy consumers and balance sheet items.


Economic situation more or less stable

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in September was about the same as in August. Economic recovery has come to a virtual standstill over the last...


Economy up 0.9 percent in third quarter

The Dutch economy grew by 0.9 percent in the third quarter of 2005. The gross domestic product (GDP) was 0.9 percent higher than one year previously.


Standard International Trade Classification (SITC 3)

The SITC is a UN classification that makes it possible to compare of foreign trade statistics internationally. The most detailed level of the SITC is the 5-digit classification.


Are SMEs ready for big data?

Recent explorative research conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) shows that only a fraction of Dutch small


Energy consumption industry (no energy sector);energy commodities,1975-2012

Consumption of energy Industry of hard coal, lignite, crude, natural gas Petroleum products, renewable energy, waste, electricity, heat


Economic situation improves somewhat again

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has improved somewhat again in April 2015 relative to March. In the last two months, the economy also improved.


Energy consumption energy sector; energy commodities, 1967-2013 2nd quarter

Energy consumption of hard coal, lignite, crude, natural gas Petroleum products, renewable energy, waste, electricity, heat


Patent applicants and applications; technology area, 2000-2010

Patents, patent applications EPO and NLOC Technology area of application


Energy consumption; components, branch, 2011-2016

Energy consumption, supply, transformation, final consumption, delivery Energy commodities, natural gas, electricity, renewable, oil, companies


SDG 11.2 Living environment

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 Sustainable cities and communities: living environment. SDG 11.2 concerns the environment in which people have their homes and lead their lives.


SDG 11.2 Living environment

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 Sustainable cities and communities: living environment. SDG 11.2 concerns the environment in which people have their homes and lead their lives.


International trade and transit trade; value, weight, goods, transport mode

The international trade and transit trade statistics give insight into the international commodity flows from, to and through the Netherlands.


What does China buy from us and our neighbours?

How important are exports to China to the Dutch economy?


Deep learning for solar panel detection

How to improve the estimate of the total amount of solar energy generated in the Netherlands. One of these projects is Deep Solaris. In this project, we evaluated several Deep Learning methods to...


Petroleum products balance sheet; supply, consumption and stock 1946-2015

Production, imports, exports, bunkers, consumption for transformation and final consumption of refineries, petrochemical industry and wholesale


Expenditure brief (level 3); by household characteristics, 1992-2010

Average spendable amount, household characteristics and distribution channels by expenditure of households (level 3)
