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141 results for bicycles
141 results for bicycles

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Internationalisation Monitor 2021, third quarter – Non-tariff measures

In this Monitor, we offer insight into what NTMs mean in general and to Dutch trade in particular; the effects of NTMs on product quality and costs, and the extent to which NTM-related costs affect...


Netherlands largest manufacturer of bicycles in Europe

The overall value of bicycles manufactured in the European Union amounted to 1.9 billion in 2008. More than 30 percent were produced in the Netherlands, making it Europe’s largest bike manufacturer.


More traffic deaths among people in their twenties and thirties

In 2019, a total of 661 people in the Netherlands died in a traffic accident. This is 17 less than in 2018, but the annual number of traffic deaths is still higher compared to the years 2012-2017.


Quality of Dutch exports in global top 5

The Netherlands is in fourth position in the global IMF ranking of export quality.


13 people a day die after a fall

In 2018, a total of 4,628 people in the Netherlands died due to an accidental fall, nearly 600 more than in the previous year. This comes down to 13 fatal falls per day on average.


Thefts along the coast peak in summertime

On the coast, minor property crimes are more frequent during the summer compared to the rest of the year. Over one-quarter of the pickpocketing cases which were registered in coastal areas during the...


Deaths; accidents, residents, 1996-2017

Dutch residents died in the given year due to an accident mainly traffic accidents, accidental falls, drowning or poisoning


EU grant taking data science to a higher level

Article on U grant taking data science to a higher level


Traffic death toll up by 11 percent in 2018

In 2018, 678 people died in traffic accidents in the Netherlands. This is 65 more than in the previous year. Traffic mortality was mainly up among occupants of passenger cars, cyclists and mobility...


More deaths among cyclists than car occupants in 2017

In 2017, more cyclists than car occupants died in traffic accidents, of whom 1/4 on an e-bike.


Commuter cyclists prefer short distances

One in four Dutch commutes was done by bicycle in 2007. The average distance cyclists covered per journey was 4 kilometres, taking just over 15 minutes on average.


Italy fifth most important country for Dutch exports

Just over 5 percent of total Dutch exports went to Italy in 2009. This makes Italy the fifth largest receiver of Dutch exports in terms of value.


Caribbean NL; housing, durable consumer goods and means of transport

housing, television, mobile phone, pc, car sex, age and educational level


consumer spending marginally up, consumer confidence hardly changes

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, household spending on goods and services was 0.6 percent  up in November 2014 from November 2013. For the second month in a row...


Most crimes not reported to the police

Most crimes experienced by the Dutch population are not reported to the police. Victims report only about a third of offences to the police and only a quarter are actually officially recorded.


Technology festival: smart solutions for society

Corporate news article on Technology festival: smart solutions for society


Victims of frequently occurring crime

Victims of frequently occurring crime. Violent crime, thelft, vandalism, hit - and-run accidents, harassment by phone


Caribbean Netherlands; victimization of crime, personal characteristics

victimization, violence, property crimes and vandalism sex, age, educational level
