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269 results for trip kilometres
269 results for trip kilometres

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Sustained growth number of e-shoppers in 2010

E-shopping is still gaining popularity. Last year, 9.3 million people bought goods and services over the Internet.


Commuter cyclists prefer short distances

One in four Dutch commutes was done by bicycle in 2007. The average distance cyclists covered per journey was 4 kilometres, taking just over 15 minutes on average.


Tourist expenditure 2005 - 2012

Tourism expenditure. Expenditures outbound, inbound and domestic tourism. Expenditures outbound tourism, inbound tourism and domestic tourism.


Dutch are regular online shoppers

Last year, 7.5 million Dutch people in the age category 16–74 bought one or more articles online. Together with Denmark and the United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands tops the EU list.


Regular-service bus fleet modernised

Public transport companies have recently modernised their bus fleets. On 1 January 2002, regular-services buses were on average 9.4 years old, the same age as tourist coaches.


Dutch inland waterway system plays important part in goods transport

Total length of the inland waterway system of the Netherlands exceeds 6 thousand kilometres. Within the European Union (EU), the Netherlands takes up third place after Finland and Germany.


Total length Dutch roads stretches halfway to the moon

Nearly 7 thousand kilometres were added to the Dutch road network over the past decade. With more than 137 thousand kilometres, the total length of the network stretches halfway to the moon.


How many cars are there in your neighbourhood?

On 1 January last year, 7.2 million cars were registered in the Netherlands, an average of 214 per square kilometre. In neighbourhoods where the average house value is low, car density tends to be...


Tourist expenditure; NA, 2010-2016

Tourism expenditure. Expenditures outbound, inbound and domestic tourism. Expenditures outbound tourism, inbound tourism and domestic tourism.


Dutch railways used intensively

The Netherlands has one of the shortest railway networks in western Europe. Together with Belgium and the United Kingdom, it does have the largest share of multiple track railway, however.


Green space never far away in the Netherlands

For 89 in every 100 Dutch residents, a green space, e.g. a park, a public garden, an open natural space or a wooded area is within a distance of 1 kilometre.


Provincial budget for road maintenance and construction 1.2 billion euro

The provincial road maintenance budget amounts to 1.2 billion euro in 2011, i.e. more than one and a half times as high as in 2005.


Considerable increase car ownership among over-65s

In the period 2000-2009, the number of car owners over the age of 65 has risen considerably. Among over-80s, car ownership even doubled.


Fewer foreign lorries on Dutch roads

In 2008, foreign lorries and articulated vehicles travelled 800 million kilometres on Dutch roads, a 2 percent decrease relative to 2007. If all types of vehicles are taken into account, the total...


Emission factors by vehicle category and year of construction, 2009

CO, VOC, NOx, PM10 Vehicle category, year of construction


Over 200 hectares of allotment garden liquidations within a decade

In 2006, the total area covered by allotment garden plots in the Netherlands was 3,906 hectares, more than 200 hectares less than in 1996. The number of allotment garden areas and visits to these...
