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345 results for apartment
345 results for apartment

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Prices lease cars higher as second-hand car prices drop

In the first quarter of 2009, lease car prices were 4.3 percent higher than one year previously. This is mainly due to a steep drop in prices for second-hand cars.


Huge amount of cold-stored and deep-frozen products shipped in containers

Nearly 24 thousand containers (half a million tons of goods) with cold-stored and deep-frozen products are transported overseas to the Netherlands every month.


Retail turnover up 2 percent

Retail turnover was 2 percent higher in March 2012 than in March 2011.


Continuous decline in amount of hours worked in temp jobs

In the first quarter of 2013, the amount of hours worked in stage A temp jobs was nearly 1.5 percent down on the fourth quarter of 2012. The number of hours worked in temp jobs declined for the...


Decline household consumption less substantial

Household spending on goods and services was 0.6 percent down in June 2012 on June 2011.The decline was far less substantial than in the previous months.


Retail sales up

Retail turnover was 2.5 percent higher in August 2011 than in August 2010.


Retail turnover marginally up

In November 2011, retail turnover was more than 1 percent up on November 2010.


Drop in house prices considerably more substantial

Prices of existing owner-occupied houses were on average 2.1 percent lower in April 2011 than in April 2010. According to the price index of existing residential property – a joint publication by...


Further decline hours worked in stage A temp jobs

In the second quarter of 2013, the amount of hours worked in stage A temp jobs was 1.6 percent down from the first quarter. The number of hours worked in stage A temp jobs declined for the fifth...


Marginal increase hours worked in temp jobs

In the third quarter of 2013, the amount of hours worked in stage A temp jobs was 0.5 percent up from the sector quarter. The modest increase follows five consecutive quarters of decline.


Retail turnover down in September

In September 2011, Dutch retailers faced 1 percent loss of turnover compared to September 2010.


Fewer hours worked for temp job agencies

In the third quarter of 2012, the amount of hours worked in stage A temp jobs was 4 percent down on the preceding quarter. The number of temp hours worked in temp jobs had decreased slightly in the...


Retail sales marginally lower

Retail sales were nearly 1 percent lower in July 2011 than in July 2010. Retail prices were nearly 3 percent higher. As a result, retail volume shrank by nearly 4 percent relative to one year...


Retail turnover plummets in April

Retail turnover was nearly 9 percent down in April 2012 from April 2011. In March, sales increased by more than 2 percent. Retail prices were 2 percent higher, but the volume of retail sales shrank...


No growth retail turnover in June

Retail sales in June were at the same level as in June 2010.


Retail turnover up by 2.5 percent

Retail turnover was 2.5 percent higher in March 2012 than in March 2011.


Manufacturing industry more positive about 2015

Manufacturers anticipate to invest 15 percent more in 2015. They are much more optimistic about the investment climate than in 2014.


Tourism sector essential for employment in Caribbean Netherlands

Tourism accounts for a substantial part of employment on the islands of Caribbean Netherlands. On Bonaire and Saba, 20 percent of jobs are tourism-related, versus 12 percent on St Eustatius. The...
