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237 results for asylum%20permit
237 results for asylum%20permit

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Population Outlook 2050: more people with a migration background

The number of inhabitants with a migration background is highly likely to increase until the year 2050.


Asylum seeker

A person who has submitted a request to enter the Netherlands as a refugee


Asylum, migration and integration

People with a foreign background


Immigration down after coronavirus outbreak

Immigration more than halved in the weeks following the implementation of COVID-19 measures and the number of Syrian refugees fell to a low in those weeks.


Immigration lower again in May

In May, the number of immigrants was down by nearly half year-on-year, just as in April. Almost 9 thousand immigrants settled in the Netherlands last month.


6 in 10 status holders pass civic integration exam

Of the asylum seekers who obtained a residence permit in 2014 and were subject to the integration requirement, 58 percent had passed the civic integration exam on reference date 1 October 2018. Two...


The Netherlands in Numbers, 2020

The Netherlands in Numbers, 2020 is the successor to Trends in the Netherlands and the Statistical Yearbooks and Pocket Books.


Population and population dynamics by month; 1995-2018

Monthly statistics, size of the Dutch population and births, deaths, external migration, marriages, divorces and requests for asylum,


Population up by 15.5 thousand in Q1 2020

In Q1 2020, the population of the Netherlands grew less rapidly than in the same quarter last year. 15.5 thousand inhabitants were added, i.e. 8.7 thousand down on Q1 2019.


Out of the starting blocks - A summary

Cohort study on asylum migrants who arrived in the Netherlands between Jan. 2014 and July 2017.


Most immigrants now come from Syria

Immigration from Syria has risen since the end of 2015.


More family reunification from Eritrea

In 2017, more following family members than asylum seekers from Eritrea arrived in the Netherlands.


Family reunion still main reason for immigration

Family reunion is still the main reason for migration, but labour and asylum are rising.


Record immigration and emigration in 2017

Record number of immigrants (235 thousand) and emigrants (154 thousand) in 2017, highest net migration (81 thousand).


Trends in the Netherlands 2016

Trends in the Netherlands provides figures over 2015 on topics such as population


Mapping migrant flows with satellites

Mapping migrant flows with satellites and social media


More British people moving to the Netherlands

The number of native British people who moved to the Netherlands from the UK rose again in 2019, while the number of native Dutch people migrating to the UK declined further.


Over 17.4 million inhabitants in the Netherlands

In 2019, the population of the Netherlands grew by an estimated 132 thousand people to a total of over 17.4 million.


Population growth already at the same level as 2018

In the first three quarters of 2019, the population of the Netherlands grew by 102 thousand, over 23 thousand more than in the same period last year and almost the same as population growth over the...


Invited refugee

Refugee selected in first instance by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and subsequently invited by the Dutch government to settle in the Netherlands. This person will get a...


Supervised departure

Departure by an asylum seeker who has exhausted all legal procedures, where the travel documents are sent to the port of departure to verify that the person leaves the Netherlands.


Unaccompanied minor alien

A minor who has applied for asylum and who was not accompanied or cared for by parents or adult relatives when he/she came to the country.


Address check after notification

Police check on asylum seekers who have exhausted all legal procedures and who have to leave on their own. The police check the last-known address to see if the person has actually left.


More family migrants in work

In 2015 there were over 60 thousand family migrants of whom half were from EU countries. Of those aged 20 and up, 40% were in work one year after their arrival. This was still 37% in 2005.
