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733 results for school recommendation
733 results for school recommendation

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Government revenue; transactions, sectors

Government revenue (ESA 2010). Current and capital transactions, sectors, quarters.


Mobility; per trip, modes of travel, purposes of travel and regions

Average distance travelled per trip, average time travelled per trip modes of travel, purposes of travel and region characteristics


Research into fair and explainable algorithms

In Dutch society, more and more decisions are being made by automated systems that use algorithms.


Financial balance sheets and transactions by sectors; National Accounts

Financial balance sheets and transactions by economic sectors Sectors, balance sheets, assets and liabilities


Unemployment increased in July

In July 2023, 362 thousand people aged 15 to 74 years were unemployed.


Government expenditure; transactions, sectors

Government expenditure (ESA 2010). Current and capital transactions, sectors, quarters.


Circular economy and the Sustainable Development Goals

The results of a study into the SDGs and the circular economy, about how these different perspectives can influence each other positively or negativelyare


Sector accounts; seasonally and working day adjusted, National Accounts

Transactions and balancing items of economic sectors Non seasonally adjusted and seasonally adjusted figures


Income accounts of the sector households, region; national accounts

Transactions of the sector households and per capita Primary and secundary income distribution by province


Mobility; per person, modes of travel, purposes of travel and regions

Trips, distance travelled, time travelled, per person per day/year modes of travel, purposes of travel and regions


Inheritances; inherited wealth, characteristics

Inherited wealth of deceased persons Wealth components, marital status, sex


Land use; all categories, municipalities

Traffic area, Built up area, Forest, Natural area, Water Netherlands, Municipalities


Mobility; per trip, purposes of travel, trip characteristics and regions

Distance travelled per trip, time travelled per trip trip characteristics, purposes of travel and regions


New Vacancies; classification of occupation ROA-CBS 2014, SIC 2008

New vacancies by occupation SIC 2008; classification of occupation (ISCO 08)


Mobility; per person, trip characteristics, travel purposes and region

Trips, distance travelled, time traveled, average per person per day/year trip characteristics, purposes of travel and regions


Government balance sheet; assets and liabilities

Government balance sheet; net worth; general government sector assets (financial and non-financial), liabilities and gov. net worth


Key figures by sector; National Accounts

Sector accounts; key figures Most important figures of institutional sectors


Mobility; per person, personal characteristics, travel purposes and regions

Trips, distance travelled, time travelled, per person per day/year personal characteristics, purposes of travel and regions


Government Production and Consumption; transactions, sectors

Government production and consumption (resources, uses, balancing items) Output resources, production costs, and government sectors


Current transactions by sectors; National Accounts

Current transactions and balancing items of institutional sectors Sectors, resources and uses, balancing items


Listed monuments and historic buildings; region 2023

Rijksmonumenten Soort monument, provincie, gemeente


Health, lifestyle, health care use and supply, causes of death; key figures

Birth, death, life expectancy, health and disease, use of health care services, education and labour market, costs of care, care providers


Greenhouse gas emissions 9 percent lower in Q2 2022

In Q2 2022, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions showed a year-on-year decrease of 9 percent. This is mainly because natural gas consumption was down.


CBS and UvA in collaboration to solve social problems

It sounds like science fiction: a ‘digital twin’ of society that policy-makers can use to resolve complex social problems.


Bonaire’s economy shrank by over 8 percent in 2020

In 2020, the economy of Bonaire contracted by 8.4 percent. This is the strongest decline since the start of the series in 2012.
