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3255 results for sensor data
3255 results for sensor data

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Collectively agreed wage increase 3.7 percent in first quarter of 2009

In the first quarter of 2009, collectively negotiated (CAO) wages were 3.7 percent up on one year previously.


Universities and vocational colleges largest consumers of natural gas

On average, universities and vocational colleges were the largest consumers of natural gas within the sector services in 2010 followed by hospitals. Per connection to the electricity grid, transport...


RAMON - Eurostat's meta server

Eurostat has launched a new version of RAMON, the server for international statistical classifications.


Growth investments slows down

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the volume of investments in tangible fixed assets grew by 4.2 percent in January 2015 on an annual basis. The increase is far less substantial than in the...


Most substantial year-on-year house price increase in more than 7 years

Prices of owner-occupied houses (excluding new constructions) were on average 3.5 percent higher in September 2015 than in September 2014, the highest year-on-year price increase since April 2008,...


Economic totals per region SIC 1993

Gross value added and labour force volume by region, COROP area, province and parts of the country


SDG 5 Gender equality

Latest data contributing to worldwide monitoring of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 Gender equality. SDG 5 advocates equal treatment of and an equal position in society for men and women. In...


Reduction manufacturing stocks fairly stable

In June, manufacturers had reduced their stocks of finished products by more than 13 percent relative to the same month one year previously. The reduction was in the same order of magnitude as in the...


Government Finance Statistics and the Enhanced Economic Governance package (Sixpack)

CBS publishes monthly cash balances and annual figures on contingent liabilities for the Directive EU-2011/85


Business services providers remain low-spirited

In July 2009, Dutch providers of business services were still pessimistic. On balance, 25 percent of them expect to generate a lower turnover in the next three months.


Retail turnover 3.5 percent up in January

Dutch retail sector achieved 3.5 percent turnover growth in January year-on-year.


Retail turnover 1.5 percent up in March

Dutch retail sector achieved 1.5 percent turnover growth in March year-on-year.


Hackatrain: creative mobility solutions

The objective of this Hackatrain was to answer the question how to make it easier for people throughout the country to travel to and from destinations


Investments down in December

Investments down in December


Most substantial increase in temp hours in five years

According to Statistics Netherlands, the total number of hours worked in temp jobs increased by 3.6 percent in Q4 2015 relative to Q3. This is the most substantial increase in five years.


Dutch house prices nearly 4 percent up from one year previously

Prices of owner-occupied houses (excluding new constructions) were on average 3.8 percent higher in November 2015 than in November 2014. This is the most substantial year-on-year price increase in...


Year-on-year prices owner-occupied houses rise by more than 3 percent

Prices of owner-occupied houses (excluding new constructions) were on average 3.2 percent higher in December 2015 than in December 2014. Year-on-year prices rose less rapidly than in the previous...


Year-on-year house prices up again

Prices of owner-occupied houses, excluding new constructions, were on average 2.5 percent higher in August 2015 than in August 2014.


Year-on-year house prices up in July

Prices of owner-occupied houses, excluding new constructions, were on average 2.7 percent higher in July 2015 than in July 2014. Residential property prices have risen modestly since the summer of...


Crimes against property more often reported to the police than violent crimes

Only 28 percent of crimes are reported to the police.


Municipal rates increase by over 4 percent

In 2008, proceeds from municipal taxes were 4.4 percent higher than last year. This is mainly attributable to an increase in property tax (OZB) and sewage charges.


Prices in the sector services more stable than manufacturing prices

In the third quarter of 2008, prices of commercial services were 2.7 percent up on one year previously, the largest price increase in two years.


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