The Dutch agriculture sector in 2025 – an international perspective

This publication outlines the latest developments in the trade in agricultural goods between the Netherlands and the rest of the world. It includes the latest estimates for 2024.

Which agricultural products does the Netherlands import and export the most? Which are growing the fastest? Where do those imports and exports come from and go to? Are the exports produced in the Netherlands or are they re-exports? And how much does the Netherlands earn from exporting agricultural goods?

This year’s publication also focuses on four specific themes: trade between the Netherlands and the UK four years after Brexit; prices and volumes; dependence on Dutch agricultural exports; and land and greenhouse gas footprints in agriculture.

The report is published by Wageningen Economic Research and Statistics Netherlands (CBS), and is commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Safety and Nature (LVVN). It is published annually.

An English summary can be found on pages 14-19.