Log in with eHerkenning

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What is eHerkenning?

EHerkenning is a secure, user-specific login tool to perform a login at over 500 different service providers. Apart from CBS these include, for example, the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV), municipalities, the Tax Administration of the Netherlands (Belastingdienst) and insurance companies. More and more (public) organisations request users to log in with eHerkenning. For more information, please visit the eHerkenning website.

How to apply for eHerkenning and arrange authorisations

To use Mijn CBS, you need eHerkenning level of assurance EH3 or higher:

  • Do you already have EH3 (or higher)? Then all you need are the right authorisations to log in on Mijn CBS. Go directly to step 3 below and read on.
  • Do you already have EH3 (or higher) and have you also been authorised to use all services from all organisations? Then you can log in on Mijn CBS rightaway. Go directly to step 4 below and read on.
  • If you do not have eHerkenning yet, please perform the steps listed below.

Step 1: Determine who has which role within your organisation
The authorised signatory / legal representative (the Director) can apply for eHerkenning on behalf of one or multiple employees within the organisation.

In large organisations, the authorised signatory may appoint an authorisation manager (if required). Just as the authorised signatory, the authorisation manager can apply for authorisations and communicate administrative changes for all persons within that organisation. For example, the authorisation manager ensures that employee A can submit data for CBS surveys and that employee B can arrange matters with the Tax Administration or another organisation.

The administrators are the employees who submit data for CBS surveys. They have access to the complete portal and to all CBS surveys.

Step 2: Apply for eHerkenning
You can apply for eHerkenning from one of the suppliers approved by the Dutch central government. For more information, please visit the eHerkenning website. There you will find a clear step-by-step plan and video. In addition, you will find a list of suppliers and a description of the differences between them.

Step 3: Arrange authorisations
EHerkenning is user-specific and every person receives his or her own eHerkenning tool with accompanying authorisations. For Mijn CBS, you must authorise the administrator(s) to use the Mijn CBS Beheerder service.

If you submit an email address while applying for Mijn CBS, please choose a business and person-specific email address.

Step 4: Log in with eHerkenning
Has your organisation applied for eHerkenning and are you authorised to use the Mijn CBS Beheerder service? Then you can log in on Mijn CBS with eHerkenning:

  1. Go to https://mijn.cbs.nl and log in with your user-specific eHerkenning tool.
  2. Was your email address included in the application for eHerkenning? Then log in using that same email address.
  3. You will now see the complete portal with an overview of all CBS surveys for your organisation.