Website open data

The CBS OData interface is based on the OData v4 specification and delivers mostly textual content.
More details can be found via the OData interface and the OpenAPI User Interface :
date : 08/04/2020 version : 1.0.1
Improved interface to comply to the aforementioned standards and guidelines of Geonovum. The standard prescribes that identifiers and permalinks are case-sensitive. The $filter support was improved to reduce the use of custom functions.
date : 01/04/2016 version : 1.0.0
Initial version
Open Data Disclaimer on the CBS website
version 0.1, 8 March 2016
CBS has opened up this channel to provide open data, i.e. data which are provided to the public free of charge.
CBS does not warrant or accept any liability for the availability, accuracy and continuity of the information and the platform. CBS also reserves the right to discontinue the open data service without notice.
The user will be entirely responsible for the realisation of services based on the functionality made available by CBS and for any risks connected with commercial damage or loss of data as a result of calamities or termination.
Using the open data through this interface is free of charge.
Performance is based on fair use.
The Creative Commons Attribution licence applies to all information.
Each item may be renewed separately.
CBS cannot be held responsible for any information obtained through this website. CBS does not accept any liability whatsoever for any damage resulting from the use of this site or the services rendered based on the meta data offered or referred to. CBS is not responsible for unlawful or unlimited access to data which are offered through your information. CBS does not guarantee the faultless or undistrupted operation of this website.
Copyright applies to all images used by CBS. Images may only be reproduced when in the possession of the applicable rights for reproduction.