More international tech graduates stay to work

Of the 1,455 international students who graduated in science or technology in the academic year 2007/’08, over 38 percent held a job in the Netherlands in 2014. They represent a slightly higher share than the group of international graduates as a whole (34 percent), according to new figures released by Statistics Netherlands (CBS).

(English subtitles available via YouTube 'settings')

The number of international students who completed a degree in the Netherlands increased from 8,137 in 2007/’08 to 13,642 in the previous academic year (2015/’16). After economics, technical studies were most common among international graduates in 2015/’16. Altogether 2,702 international students graduated in science or technical education, accounting for nearly 20 percent of all international graduates. In 2007/’08, this share amounted to less than 18 percent. In the previous academic year, 31 percent of all international students completed a degree in economics, the same share as in 2007/’08.

More international technology graduates continued to live in the Netherlands than other international graduates. In 2014, 49 percent of the international science and technology students who graduated in 2007/’08 were registered with a Dutch municipality, versus 44 percent of all international graduates. There were slightly more higher professional education (HBO) than university (WO) graduates.

2007/'08 international graduates in 2014
 Residing in the Netherlands in 2014
Total of science and technology
of which
Technology - higher vocational
education (hbo)
Technology - university (wo)51
Science - university (wo)41.1

In comparison with other international technology graduates from 2007/’08, HBO graduates were most likely to be in employment in the Netherlands six years later, with 42 percent holding a job in 2014. Among university (WO) science and technology graduates, this share was 32 percent (science) and 40 percent (technology) respectively.

2007/'08 international graduates in 2014
 Employed in the Netherlands
Total of science and technology
of which
Technology - higher vocational
education (hbo)
Technology - university (wo)39.7
Science - university (wo)31.7

International tech graduates mainly work in business services

Most international graduates with a technical degree were employed in the business services sector. Over 29 percent of this group had a job in this sector, versus more than 19 percent of all international graduates. This refers to 2007/’08 graduates who were in employment in the Netherlands after six years. International technology students were also far more likely to have a job in the manufacturing and energy or the information and communication sector.

The second most popular sector among international technology graduates employed in the Netherlands is the combined public and care sector, which is the most popular sector by far among other international graduates. In the latter group, 53 percent held a job in this sector, versus 16 percent of all technology graduates.

2007/'08 graduates employed in the Netherlands in 2014
 International technology graduatesOther international graduates
Business services29.119.2
Manufacturing and energy16.23.2
Public and care sector16.152.8
Information and communication15.84.7
Trade, transportation,
hotels and restaurants
Other sectors1211.6

This article is partially based on research commissioned by Nuffic (the Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education).