Newest delivery vans in urban areas

In 2009, 84 percent of the 971 thousand delivery vans in the Netherlands were registered in the name of an enterprise. The newest vans were registered in the Randstad area and in the centre of the Netherlands. The oldest vans are found in the agricultural sector.

Delivery vans 6.4 years old on average

The average age of delivery vans in the Netherlands is 6.4 years. Vans are newer on average In the Randstad area and in the centre of the country. In other large cities, too, relatively many delivery vans are new. 

Delivery vans in the peripheral areas of the country,  especially in the south and the north, are older. The oldest vans can be found on the five Wadden islands in the north of the country, where delivery vans are 10 years old on average.

Average age of delivery vans by municipality, 2009

Average age of delivery vans by municipality, 2009

Oldest vans in agriculture, most vans in construction

Companies in the agriculture, forestry and fishery sector had the oldest vans in 2009: over 9 years old on average. The energy sector had the newest vans, 3.4 years old. 

Most vans - nearly 229 thousand -  are owned by companies in the construction sector. These are mainly odd-job businesses, fitters, painters and glaziers. Vans in the construction sector are 5.9 years old on average, half a year newer than average. 

Average age of delivery vans by sector of industry, 2009

Average age of delivery vans by sector of industry, 2009

Large companies have newest vans

Companies with fewer than five employed persons own vans aged over 7.5 years old on average. These small companies are relatively strongly represented in less urbanised areas. Companies with 200 or more employees drive vans that are less than 4 years old. These large companies are often located in more urban areas.

Age of company delivery vans by number of employees, 2009

Age of company delivery vans by number of employees, 2009

Doreen Ewalds and Paul de Winden