Number of job vacancies stable

  • 115 thousand vacancies unfilled
  • more vacancies in sector commercial services
  • number of vacancies per thousand jobs stable
  • more new job vacancies

Adjusted for seasonal variation, 115 thousand vacancies were unfilled at the end of June 2010, an increase by one thousand relative to the previous quarter. Except for a marginal increase in the third quarter of last year, the number of open job vacancies has dropped continually since the end of 2008. According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, the number of unfilled vacancies has stabilised in the second quarter of this year.

Within the sector commercial services, the situation has improved marginally. Adjusted for seasonal variation, the number of vacancies has grown by 3 thousand relative to the previous quarter. This sector also includes business services. In the sector non-commercial services, on the other hand, the number of unfilled vacancies dropped further. The decline in this sector was 3 thousand.

The vacancy rate, defined as the number of vacancies per 1,000 jobs, has been stable in the second quarter of 2010 compared to the same period last year. Several sectors in fact report a cautious recovery. Proportionally, the amount of unfilled vacancies within the sector information and communication and the sector trade has grown compared to twelve months ago.

In the second quarter of this year, 191 thousand new vacancies were created and 182 thousand were filled. The amount of filled job vacancies is lower than in the same period in 2009, but the decline is levelling off in comparison to the preceding quarters. For the first time in two years, the number of new vacancies is higher than in the same period last year.

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