Business service providers expect turnover to decrease

In June, the number of business services providers expecting turnover to decrease in the next three months outnumbered those expecting an increase. In June, the index stood at -7 versus +12 in May. In June and July, the number of business services providers expecting a decline is usually larger, possibly due to seasonal effects.

Opinions of providers of business services on the economic climate deteriorated slightly. In June, the number of providers of business services expecting employment to grow over the next three months equalled those expecting employment in their branch to be reduced.

Temp job agencies remained in a very good mood in June. Temp job agencies were very optimistic about their future turnover, future employment in their branch and the economic climate in general.

Turnover in the sector business services can be affected by seasonal variation. These effects have not been taken into account

Expected turnover business services

Expected turnover business services