Increase purchasing power at 65

In de period 2001-2004, an average 140 thousand people annually reached the age of 65. A large majority of these people then also became eligible for old age pension (AOW) for the first time. The purchasing power of the people who received an AOW benefit for the first time improved by an average 2.5 percent in this period. Purchasing power improved most significantly (by more than 5 percent) among the lowest income group.
Most people had already stopped working, when they received AOW for the first time. They had faced loss of income related to early retirement years before they turned 65. These people lost about 15 percent of their purchasing power at the moment of early retirement.

Increase purchasing power at 65 by income position 1), 2001/2004*

Increase purchasing power at 65 by income position 1), 2001/2004*

1) Persons have been classified into four equally large groups (quartiles) running from low to high incomes.