Caribbean Netherlands; jobs and wages, sex, age

Caribbean Netherlands; jobs and wages, sex, age

Earning groups Characteristics employee Caribbean Netherlands Periods Jobs of employees (Number)
Total all earninggroups Total Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 14,550
Total all earninggroups Total Bonaire 2022* 12,170
Total all earninggroups Total St. Eustatius 2022* 1,500
Total all earninggroups Total Saba 2022* 880
Total all earninggroups Total Unclassificable 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Sex: men Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 7,180
Total all earninggroups Sex: men Bonaire 2022* 6,010
Total all earninggroups Sex: men St. Eustatius 2022* 740
Total all earninggroups Sex: men Saba 2022* 430
Total all earninggroups Sex: men Unclassificable 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Sex: women Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 7,370
Total all earninggroups Sex: women Bonaire 2022* 6,150
Total all earninggroups Sex: women St. Eustatius 2022* 770
Total all earninggroups Sex: women Saba 2022* 450
Total all earninggroups Sex: women Unclassificable 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Sex: unknown Caribbean Netherlands 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Sex: unknown Bonaire 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Sex: unknown St. Eustatius 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Sex: unknown Saba 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Sex: unknown Unclassificable 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: younger than 15 years Caribbean Netherlands 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: younger than 15 years Bonaire 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: younger than 15 years St. Eustatius 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: younger than 15 years Saba 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: younger than 15 years Unclassificable 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: 15 to 24 years Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 1,570
Total all earninggroups Age: 15 to 24 years Bonaire 2022* 1,420
Total all earninggroups Age: 15 to 24 years St. Eustatius 2022* 100
Total all earninggroups Age: 15 to 24 years Saba 2022* 50
Total all earninggroups Age: 15 to 24 years Unclassificable 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: 25 to 34 years Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 3,310
Total all earninggroups Age: 25 to 34 years Bonaire 2022* 2,820
Total all earninggroups Age: 25 to 34 years St. Eustatius 2022* 290
Total all earninggroups Age: 25 to 34 years Saba 2022* 200
Total all earninggroups Age: 25 to 34 years Unclassificable 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: 35 to 44 years Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 3,240
Total all earninggroups Age: 35 to 44 years Bonaire 2022* 2,680
Total all earninggroups Age: 35 to 44 years St. Eustatius 2022* 370
Total all earninggroups Age: 35 to 44 years Saba 2022* 190
Total all earninggroups Age: 35 to 44 years Unclassificable 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: 45 to 54 years Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 2,970
Total all earninggroups Age: 45 to 54 years Bonaire 2022* 2,410
Total all earninggroups Age: 45 to 54 years St. Eustatius 2022* 350
Total all earninggroups Age: 45 to 54 years Saba 2022* 210
Total all earninggroups Age: 45 to 54 years Unclassificable 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: 55 to 64 years Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 2,620
Total all earninggroups Age: 55 to 64 years Bonaire 2022* 2,150
Total all earninggroups Age: 55 to 64 years St. Eustatius 2022* 320
Total all earninggroups Age: 55 to 64 years Saba 2022* 150
Total all earninggroups Age: 55 to 64 years Unclassificable 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: 65 to 74 years Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 480
Total all earninggroups Age: 65 to 74 years Bonaire 2022* 370
Total all earninggroups Age: 65 to 74 years St. Eustatius 2022* 70
Total all earninggroups Age: 65 to 74 years Saba 2022* 50
Total all earninggroups Age: 65 to 74 years Unclassificable 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: 75 years or older Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 120
Total all earninggroups Age: 75 years or older Bonaire 2022* 100
Total all earninggroups Age: 75 years or older St. Eustatius 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: 75 years or older Saba 2022* 10
Total all earninggroups Age: 75 years or older Unclassificable 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: unknown Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 240
Total all earninggroups Age: unknown Bonaire 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: unknown St. Eustatius 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: unknown Saba 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: unknown Unclassificable 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: younger than 16 years Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 50
Total all earninggroups Age: younger than 16 years Bonaire 2022* 40
Total all earninggroups Age: younger than 16 years St. Eustatius 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: younger than 16 years Saba 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: younger than 16 years Unclassificable 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: 16-18 years Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 300
Total all earninggroups Age: 16-18 years Bonaire 2022* 280
Total all earninggroups Age: 16-18 years St. Eustatius 2022* 10
Total all earninggroups Age: 16-18 years Saba 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: 16-18 years Unclassificable 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: 19 years Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 160
Total all earninggroups Age: 19 years Bonaire 2022* 150
Total all earninggroups Age: 19 years St. Eustatius 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: 19 years Saba 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: 19 years Unclassificable 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: 20 years Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 180
Total all earninggroups Age: 20 years Bonaire 2022* 170
Total all earninggroups Age: 20 years St. Eustatius 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: 20 years Saba 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: 20 years Unclassificable 2022* .
Total all earninggroups Age: 21 years or older Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 13,630
Total all earninggroups Age: 21 years or older Bonaire 2022* 11,320
Total all earninggroups Age: 21 years or older St. Eustatius 2022* 1,460
Total all earninggroups Age: 21 years or older Saba 2022* 850
Total all earninggroups Age: 21 years or older Unclassificable 2022* .
Gross annual wage: less than 5,000 do... Total Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 1,080
Gross annual wage: less than 5,000 do... Total Bonaire 2022* 940
Gross annual wage: less than 5,000 do... Total St. Eustatius 2022* 80
Gross annual wage: less than 5,000 do... Total Saba 2022* 60
Gross annual wage: less than 5,000 do... Total Unclassificable 2022* .
Gross annual wage: less than 5,000 do... Sex: men Caribbean Netherlands 2022* 470
Gross annual wage: less than 5,000 do... Sex: men Bonaire 2022* 400
Gross annual wage: less than 5,000 do... Sex: men St. Eustatius 2022* 50
Gross annual wage: less than 5,000 do... Sex: men Saba 2022* 20
Gross annual wage: less than 5,000 do... Sex: men Unclassificable 2022* .
Source: © CBS
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information about jobs en wages on the islands of Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius to gender and age of employees on 1 January.

Since 10 October 2010, the islands of Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius have the status of a 'special municipality' of the Netherlands. On the grounds of this new status as a 'special municipality', they are officially recognised as a public body of the Netherlands.

Data available from: 2011

Status of the figures:
Figures for 2022 are provisional, figures for the years 2011 to 2021 are final.

Changes as of 1 March 2024:
The final figures for 2021 and the provisional for figures for 2022 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
The final figures for 2022 and the provisional for figures for 2023 will be published in third quarter 2024.

Description topics

Jobs of employees
A job is an explicit or implicit employment contract between a person and an economic unit, specifying that labour will be carried out in return for remuneration (financial or otherwise). This table concerns jobs of employees, and not jobs of self-employed people. More specifically, it concerns jobs of employees who are liable to pay wage tax and social security premiums in the Caribbean Netherlands.
An employed person may have more than one job at a time. For the calculation of the average number of jobs in a certain period the starting date and end date of a job is taking into account. The weekly working hours are left out of account. Two successive jobs both with a 6-month working period will always count as one job in the average number of jobs, regardless of whether these jobs are full-time or part-time.

A person who has a contract with an economic unit to carry out work in return for financial remuneration.